標題: 從使用者學習觀點探討電子化政府網站之資訊架構
What Do Users Consider Important in E-Government Websit? - A Learning Perspective
作者: 徐蕙萍
Jen-Hung Huang
關鍵字: 電子化政府;學習價值矩陣;網站特質;資訊管理;分散式學習;知識分享;E-government;Learning-value matrix;Web attributes;Information management,;Distributed learning;Knowedge sharing
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 本篇論文係從電子化政府網站使用學習者的觀點,透過其在擷取網站資料之過程及其對網站知識價值蘊涵之認知為基礎,探討當前電子化政府知識型網站架構內容及今後網站設計發展提昇的方向,期盼本研究能對政府未來規劃設計該類網站有所助益。 本研究遴選137位符合預設條件之在職學生為受測者,以使用學習者的觀點,針對目前電子化政府知識網站之功能與架構,提出實際使用心得及相關意見。對受測者之資料內容,採取開放式問卷及焦點團體晤談兩種方式進行蒐集,並以紮根理論為基礎,對上述資料與予統計分析後,作成研究結果。 本研究結果顯示,在使用者價值及其知識分享過程之架構模式中,強化使用者知識應用層面之多國語言介面、個人化電子報訂閱服務、資訊結盟連結之搜尋設計、網站雙向互動機制、網站內容及其他助於知識分享之互動化設計等網站特質,將會有效提昇知識型電子化政府網站之服務效能。未來的知識網站架構,有關加強滿足民眾汲取知識、整合知識、提昇知識及應用知識等各層次需求,應是政府規劃設計知識型網站時,最重要的考量。
This dissertation develops a framework of analysis that categorizes features of e-government website design in a matrix of knowledge-acquiring process versus learners’ values. The proposed framework supports a development plan for a cyber governmental website that may involve all aspects of a learning process. A framework for analysis is first proposed. Data are then obtained from 137 part-time students in a computer lab setting. Participants are requested to extend distributed learning experience via e-government website. The instruments used for obtaining their opinion were open-ended questionnaires. Two focus group interviews are also conducted. An iterative analyzing strategy based on grounded theory is employed to obtain the results. Analytical results of the data based on the framework reveals many insights. Participants have indicated that multilingual interface and personalized e-newsletters facilitate meaningful knowledge application, navigational aids via information affiliations, knowledge contents and other designs related to interactive knowledge sharing are important. The proposed framework is a valuable tool for knowledgeable e-government website planning, development, and maintenance in terms of learning-value perspective.