標題: 快速評估12吋晶圓廠AMHS的模擬方法
An Efficient Simulation Methodology for Evaluating the Performance of AMHS Systems in 12” Wafer Fabs
作者: 顏豪君
Hao-Chun Yen
Muh-Cherng Wu
關鍵字: 離散事件模擬系統;十二吋晶圓廠;自動化物料搬運系統;discrete-event simulation;12” fab, AMHS;simplified simulation
公開日期: 2005
摘要: 12吋晶圓廠由於晶舟重量上升導致自動化物料搬運系統(AMHS)的設計與運作變的相當重要。過去研究往往使用模擬來評估AMHS的績效,然而兩個問題油然而生。第一,模擬系統針對於(layout)的改變上並不夠人性化,略作改變就得大幅變更模型。第二,包含機台與搬運行為的模擬程式由於系統複雜度高和物件數多,在模擬上相當耗時。
In a semiconductor fab that manufactures 12” wafers, the weight of a wafer cassette increases substantially. The design and operation of the AMHS (automatic material handling system) thus becomes more important than ever. Prior research often uses discrete-event simulation to justify the effectiveness of an AMHS in a 12” fab. Yet, two efficiency problems would arise in such simulations. First, a modified AMHS layout may need substantial human intervention to modify the existing simulation problem. Second, it takes lengthy computation time to run a simulation program that attempts to comprehensively model both machine operations and material handling. This research aims to solve the two efficiency problems. To solve the first problem, we develop and implement a CAD-simulation interface methodology, by which a simulation program for a manually modified CAD layout can be automatically generated. To resolve the second efficiency problem, we attempt to model the material handling times between tool groups by probabilistic time distributions. The simulation model is then simplified by considering only the material-handling time distributions and ignores the exact simulation of AMHS. Experiments indicate that the simplified simulation methodology would yield results, compatible to that obtained by a comprehensive simulation model.
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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