標題: 從聽障者日常生活探討行動電話使用需求與要求
Essential Needs and Requirements of Mobile Phone for Hearing-impaired Users
作者: 邱曉萍
Chiu, Hsiao-Ping
Li, Rong-Kwer
關鍵字: 聽障者;行動電話;使用者需求;使用者要求;hearing-impaired;mobile phone;user needs;user requirements
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 聽障者在行動電話的使用已經非常普及,而行動電話也具備了多樣化的功能可以支援聽障者每日生活活動;但是,現今行動電話的發展與設計卻未將聽障者的需求納入考量,致使聽障者在行動電話使用上面臨許多困境。因此,本研究透過紮根理論研究法(1)了解聽障者日常生活行動電話使用困境、(2)萃取使用者需求、(3)將使用者需求轉化為使用者要求;以半結構式工具性日常生活活動問卷調查、深度訪談及觀察22位聽障行動電話使用者後,了解聽障者透過哪些行動電話功能支援其日常生活活動,並萃取出聽障者行動電話使用需求,再將使用者需求轉化為聽障者行動電話使用要求,最後將使用者要求與現今行動電話進行比較,以了解現今行動電話/特徵功能不足之處。研究結果發現:聽障者會透過不同的行動電話功能支援其工具性日常生活活動,但由於生理的限制,使得聽障者在行動電話上面臨主要困境為無法接聽電話、無法語音溝通,次要困境為仰賴簡訊為非即時通訊、顯示螢幕太小、無內建手機架、3G費率太高以及視訊隱私權等困境;同時本研究也萃取出6大類使用者需求(社交需求、溝通需求、交通需求、消費需求、溝通需求、以及安全需求),每個使用者需求與其他需求息息相關。將使用者需求轉化為三大類使用者要求,包含特定的特徵/功能要求、一般特徵/功能要求以及一般需求;更進一步使用者要求與現現今行動電話特徵/功能進行比較後,發現現今行動電話特徵/功能設計有五大不足之處。
Mobile phones have become a necessity for many hearing-impaired people. The functions of mobile phones can support those with impaired hearing during their daily life. Unfortunately the capabilities and demands of hearing-impaired users are usually neglected during mobile phone development. Therefore, we adopted grounded theory research method to (1)identify the relationship between mobile phone functions and the daily activities of hearing-impaired users,(2) extract and construct needs from hearing-impaired mobile phone users, and (3)translate them into user requirements for mobile phone development. Instrumental Activities of Daily Living Scale, Semi-structured interviews and task observations were performed to explore and identify the relationships between mobile phone functions and the daily activities of hearing-impaired users, difficulties hearing-impaired users encounter when using their mobile phones from 22 hearing-impaired mobile phone users. Analytical results indicate that hearing-impaired mobile phone users can use various mobile phone functions to assist in their daily activities, and current mobile phones design do not fulfill their needs and requirements also. The major difficulties encountered by hearing-impaired users are cannot hear and talk to the person on the other end of the mobile phones directly. Secondary difficulties are on account of short message and video communication including the time delay in short message communication, the small display for video communication, no built-in mobile phone holder for using sign language via video communication, the connection fee of 3G communication via mobile phone is too expensive and the problems with privacy whiling using video communication. Six categories of user needs were sorted (social, communication, consumption, entertainment, transportation and safety). The requirements of hearing-impaired users of mobile phones can be classified as specific feature-function requirements(e.g., online social information and activity, mobile email communication, GPS, mobile cash, Entertainment manager, emergency hot key), general feature-function requirements (e.g., text-to-speech and speech-to-text functionality, handwriting recognition, and ringing vibration, built-in mobile phone holder, and camera and display on the same side) and common requirements (e.g., user needs comprehension, user capabilities and limitations consideration, privacy, connection fee). The requirements were compared with the functions of the mobile phones of the participants, and 5 feature-function gaps were identified.


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