標題: 一個以 RFID 為基礎的定位機制
A RFID-Based Location Sensing Mechanism
作者: 楊智超
Chih-Chao Yang
Chi-Chun Lo
關鍵字: 無線射頻辨識技術;定位;感測網路;集群分析;RFID;location sensing;sensor network;clustering analysis
公開日期: 2005
摘要: 無線射頻辨識技術 (RFID, Radio Frequency Identification) 的應用日漸廣泛,我國政府及業界皆希望透過運用RFID技術來大幅提升日常生活作業的效率,其可說是目前討論最為熱烈、同時被視為下一波的明星產業,而 RFID 定位服務 (RFID based Location Sensing Service) 就是在這個潮流之下應運而生的一個熱門主題,相對於目前已經非常熱門的 GPS 定位服務,RFID 定位主要是應用在室內,如大型建築物的內部,以彌補傳統 GPS 在室內定位會有死角的狀況發生;因此本論文提出一個能有效完成以 RFID 為基礎的新式定位機制,利用二階段分群演算法的引入,幫助解決在實際定位過程中,指引點數目辨識不明的情形;而本論文所提出之機制,經由實驗與實作證明,確實可以增加定位的效能與準確性,並且有明確的指引點數目確認。
The application of RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) is well know in recent years. It’s a hottest topic and a star industry we imagine in the next generation. Our government and industries both hope that the efficiency of daily working can be enhanced significantly by the application of RFID technology. Moreover, RFID based location sensing service is the hottest topic under this upcoming trend. Compared to another popular location sensing based service GPS, RFID based location sensing technique is used under indoor environment, such as the inside room of a big building. It can recover the weakness of indoor dead spaces in original GPS scanning. As a result, we propose a new and useful RFID based location sensing mechanism in this research. By the application of the 2-steps clustering method, we can solve the puzzle of no exact number of reference points in the process of location sensing. And, in the new proposed mechanism, the experiment and implementation results prove that the efficacy and correctness are improved with the exact number of reference point recognition.


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