標題: 導入資料倉儲與資料探勘於電腦整合製造的研究
A Study of Data Warehousing and data mining for Computer Integrated Manufacturing
作者: 程世煒
Shih Wei- Cheng
Duen-Ren Liu
關鍵字: 線上分析;資料倉儲;資料探勘;電腦整合製造;Data Warehouse;Data Mining;OLAP;CIM
公開日期: 2003
摘要: 隨著電子化程度越來越深,存在於企業裡的的歷史資料越來越龐大,查詢、分析與探勘歷史資料也隨之變得越來越有價值,資料倉儲的技術正是近幾年來國內外企業利用來加速及簡化以往曠日費時方能完成的分析研究作業。本研究將收集電腦整合製造系統內的製造資料,建構成企業資料倉儲,以及快速反映企業資料內容的架構,並實際建置結合資料探勘方法的雛形系統,以提供工程師在作進一步詳細分析的指引指標,包含產品的不良原因與人機料間的相依關係值及探討各製程機台對不良原因決定影響度。
With advanced electronic technology, to inquire, analyze and mining with vast amount of business information is becoming more and more important. The technology of data warehouse is used by enterprises to simplify mass data analysis. This research took CIM system as an example to build centralized data warehouse and deploy data infrastructure. Moreover ,This work develops a prototype system integrated with data mining techniques to provide engineers detailed information, including the causes of product defects dependency among human, equipments and materials, and impact factor of machines to product defects.
Appears in Collections:Thesis