Title: 應用具泰勒級數概念之類神經網路建構台灣股價趨勢預測模式
Applying Taylor Series Concept Based Neural Network to Predict the Trend of Taiwan Stock Price
Authors: 邱泉和
Chyuan-Her Chiou
An-Pin Chen
Keywords: 基本分析;技術分析;泰勒級數;類神經網路;Fundamental Analysis;Technical Analysis;Taylor Series;Neural Network
Issue Date: 2004
Abstract: 股票投資分析主要有基本分析與技術分析二種方法。基本分析是假設股票皆有合理價格的存在,而公司的股價會隨著合理價格來做調整。技術分析方法則是著重在股票過去的成交價與成交量,利用圖表、數據分析預測整個股市或個股未來的價格變化。

Stock market is nonlinear and semi-structured. In other words, there are many different situations and the environment states are changing quickly. In Taiwan, stock market is always affected by political factors. So the fluctuation of stock price is always larger than other country. Therefore, to predict the trend of stock price is more important. Traditional trading strategy like regression model and random walk are limited in fixed time interval and can not perform well. There are many researches done on predicting stock price, most of them are using Neural Network as its prediction technique, but their model only use raw data. This paper adopts Taylor series concept based Neural Network to predict the trend of Taiwan stock price, which uses fundamental analysis indicator and technical analysis indicator based on Taylor series formed data. This Neural Network model can perform well in stock price prediction and better than raw data based model. The simulation results showed that this system could get an outstanding trading profit and accuracy rate.
Appears in Collections:Thesis