Title: 國際原油價格對總體經濟變數之影響
The Influence of Crude Oil Prices on Macroeconomic Variables
Authors: 黃旭淳
Keywords: 原油價格;單根檢定;共整合檢定;向量自我迴歸模型;向量誤差修正模型;crude oil prices;unit root test;cointegration test;vector autoregrassion model;vector error correction model
Issue Date: 2005
Abstract: 近兩年來,國際原油價格快速飆漲,來到每桶70美元的歷史新高點,不禁令人擔憂,高漲的油價是否會對我國的經濟產生影響。本研究使用VAR模型與VECM模型,探討油價的波動是否會對我國的總體經濟變數帶來衝擊。其中總體經濟變數包括了我國與美國之股價指數、新台幣兌美元匯率、失業率、物價指數與其下之分類物價指數。由於研究目的與資料性質的不同,因此本文將實證分析劃分成為兩個部份。第一部分主要探討國際原油價格對我國股、匯市是否產生影響。研究目標著眼於油價的衝擊在短期下是否會對股匯市產生立即之影響,因此採用原油價格與股匯市之日資料進行分析。第二部份將探討原油價格對我國失業率與物價指數是否產生影響。且將深入探討油價上漲,是否對與民生經濟相關的物價指數 (包括油料費、運輸費、石油化學材料、燃氣四項分類物價指數) 帶來衝擊。將以油價與變數的月資料來進行分析。 透過單根檢定與共整合檢定的結果,顯示第一部分之研究應以向量自我迴歸模型進行分析,而第二部分之研究應以向量誤差修正模型進行分析。 研究結果顯示,在VAR (10) 模型的分析中,原油平均價格對於當期的台灣加權股價指數、美國道瓊工業指數以及新台幣兌美元匯率均沒有顯著影響,而利用Granger因果檢定,亦顯示原油平均價格對台灣加權股價指數、美國道瓊工業指數以及新台幣兌美元匯率均沒有因果關係存在。 而在VECM (1) 模型中,研究結果顯示原油平均價格對於躉售物價總指數、以及油料費、石油化學材料、燃氣分類物價指數有著非常顯著之影響。因此油價的上漲的確會對民生需求帶來立即且明顯的衝擊,並使得民生用品價格也跟著調漲,影響層面十分廣泛。
Crude oil prices rose up very quickly during the past five years. This research applies VAR and VECM models to examine the influence of oil prices on macroeconomic variables. The macroeconomic variables include Taiwan and U.S. stock market indices, USD/NTD exchange rates, unemployment rate, and price indices. The research period is from 2000 to 2005. Both daily and monthly data are used. The unit root test and cointegration test show that the VAR model should be applied to analyze the effects of oil prices on Taiwan and U.S. stock market indices and USD/NTD exchange rates. The unit root test and cointegration test show that the VECM model should be used to analyze the influence of oil prices on the unemployment rate and consumer, wholesale, fuel, transportation, material, and gas price indices. The VAR (10) model indicates that the oil price does not significantly influence Taiwan and U.S. stock market indices and the USD/NTD exchange rate. Granger Causality test also indicates that the oil price does not Granger-cause Taiwan and U.S. stock market indices as well as the USD/NTD exchange rate. The VECM (1) model indicates that the oil price significantly influences the wholesale, fuel, material, and gas price indices.
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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