Title: 以介電濕潤及液體介電泳實現數位及類比整合微流體晶片
Integrated Digital and Analog Microfluidics by EWOD and LDEP
Authors: 林彥呈
Yen-Chen Lin
Shih-Kang Fan
Keywords: 電動力操控;實驗室晶片;介電濕潤;液體介電泳;Electrokinetic-manipulation;Lab-on-a-Chip;Electrowetting-on-dielectric;Liquid-dielectrophoresis
Issue Date: 2005
Abstract: 電動力是一跨尺度的操作力量,本研究將之應用於實驗室晶片,成功地將以兩種不同的液體驅動力製作在同一晶片上。介電濕潤是一種數位流體系統。另外液體介電泳則是一種驅動流體的方式,我們可視它為一種連續流體系統。其主要優點包含不需流道設計與製程簡單等等。

Electrokinetic force is a cross-scale manipulation mechanism. In this research, we applied the electrokinetic force in Lab-on-a-Chip and succeed to combibe two kinds of liquid actuation. Electrowetting-on-dielectric(EWOD) is a digital microfluidic system. On the other hand, Liquid-dielectrophoresis(LDEP) is also a method for driving fluids,
and we could see it as an analog microfluidic system. Advantages of these techniques including non-designing-channel and easily-process.

In this research, we combined digital microfluids and analog microfluids on a single chip by using EWOD and LDE. By using these techniques, we succeed to obtain a nano/micro-droplet-creating-system. Otherwise, we also hope to separate DNA in a virtual-channel by combing LDEP and capillary electrophorseis(CE).
Appears in Collections:Thesis