Title: 如何經由策略規劃以建立核心能力-以W公司為例
Establishing Corporate Core Competencee by Strategic Planning - a Case study of W Corporation
Authors: 許振昌
Chen Chang Hsu
Chyan Yang
Keywords: 核心能力;動態能力;策略規劃;平面顯示器;Core competency;dynamic capabilities;strategic planning;flat panel display
Issue Date: 2005
Abstract: 近年來隨著手機的普及化以及新產品不斷之創新,除了帶動平面顯示器需求成長之外,相關技術亦不斷進步與創新。目前台灣的LCD (Liquid Crystal Display)產業產值己名列全球前三大,不過顯示器產業競爭劇烈,各種技術百家爭鳴,如果企業沒有核心能力就難以在此一產業永續經營。因此建構一個深植於公司各部門的核心能力乃為各LCD廠所必須面臨的挑戰。而核心能力並非垂手可得,必須靠策略規劃之執行方可建立。本研究針對W公司在短短十年內由一家名不見經傳的小廠蛻變成全球出貨量數一數二的國際級大廠,其策略規劃及執行能力必然有其可取之處。其成功要素為其建立了核心能力;本研究藉由探討其策略規劃之導入並建立核心能力的成形過程進而了解其成功之處。本研究以W公司之研發部門為例說明其如何藉由核心策略規劃建立核心能力來說明企業永續經營之道,並研究發現,企業的核心競爭能力具有以下幾個特點:持久性、非轉移性、不可仿造性。研究更發現W公司的核心競爭力來自公司內各部門之核心能力之綜效,因此在此提出了「core competence contribution」的觀念,亦透過各部門建立本身核心能力的做法來匯集公司的核心能力以達及企業成功永續經營之目標及公司願景。
The production value of Taiwan’s liquid crystal display (LCD) industry now ranks among the top three in the world. The display industry is an intensely competitive battleground involving a myriad of technologies and companies. If a company lacks its own core competency, it will have difficulty building a sustainable business. Therefore, the challenge facing each LCD manufacturer is how to instill core competency in each company department. Developing core competencies is no easy task. It must be done by means of strategic planning. This thesis discusses how W company transformed itself from a minor unknown company to a global heavyweight with industry leading production capacity. Strategic planning and its realization in this transformation and was a key to success. This thesis reports the case by using W company’s R&D department as an example to explain how the strategic planning built the core competency. The company core competency was found to have the following attributes: sustainability, non-transferability and inability to copy. It was also determined that W company’s core competency comes from the synergy of the core competencies of various company department.
Appears in Collections:Thesis