標題: 最低稅負制及其對上市公司徵稅效果之研究
Alternative Minimum Tax and its Effects to the Liabilities of the Listing Companies
作者: 陳君滿
Chiun-Mang Chen
Hui-Min Chung
關鍵字: 一般所得額;基本所得額;基本稅額;最低稅負制;所得稅率;所得稅負擔;regular taxable income;basic taxable income;minimum tax;alternative minimum tax act;income tax rate;income tax burden
公開日期: 2006
摘要: 我國政府自民國九十五年元月一日起,開始施行所得稅最低稅負制。由於政府在財政和經濟政策的施行、改變或廢除在在都會影響企業與個人的投資和理財等相關作為,因此最低稅負制施實必然對企業與個人造成影響。
一、 保險給付:自95年1月1日起簽訂人人壽保險契約取得之保險給付應納入最低稅負稅基,惟每一申報所得扣除3,000萬元。
二、 員工股票分紅:可處分日次日時價超過股票面額的差額納入個人最低稅負稅基。
三、 證券交易所得:未上市櫃股票和私募證券投資信託基金受益憑證交易所得,納入個人最低稅負稅基。
四、 海外所得、非現金捐贈納入個人最低稅負稅基。
一、 將五年免稅所額納入企業最低稅負稅基。
二、 證券及期貨交易所得納入企業最低稅負稅基。
The Alternative Minimum Tax Act (AMT Act) has become effective since January 1, 2006. Any changes in the government’s policies or acts relating to finance, tax or economy will eventually affect the business or investment activities of the individual or corporation. Therefore, the implementation of the AMT Act will have impact on the individuals and corporation.

The contents of this paper include 1) the background and the purpose of the AMT Act, 2) the comparison with other counties implementing the AMT Act, 3)understanding of the contents and taxation method of the Act and 4) its tax effect to the listing companies of Taiwan based on actual financial data.

The major impact of the AMT Act to individuals can be summarized as follows:
1. Insurance indemnities: For the insurance contracts signed after January 1, 2006, the tax exempt amount for AMT is limited to NT$30,000,000 per income tax return.
2. Employee stock bonus: The difference between the sellable price and the par value of the employee stock bonus is included in the tax base of AMT.
3. Gain of securities: Gains from sales of unlisted securities and private mutual funds are included in the tax base of AMT.
4. Overseas income and non-cash contribution are included in the tax base of AMT.

The major impact of the AMT Act to corporation can be summarized as follows:
1. The five-year tax exempt income is included in the tax base of AMT.
2. Gains of sales of securities and futures are included in the tax base of AMT.

The listing companies are classified into four groups:1) all listing companies,2) the fifty biggest companies in market values, 3) the high-tech companies and 4) the traditional manufacturing companies. According to the 2005 financial statements of above companies, the tax effects to the listing companies before and after the implementation of the AMT Act are analyzed. The conclusion is: those companies that enjoy more tax incentives and have higher market values suffer more income tax burden by the introduction of the AMT act.