Title: 從價值鏈觀點探討TFT-LCD DESIGN HOUSE的競爭策略-以台盛光電為例
An Analysis of Competition Strategy of TFT-LCD Design House With the Viewpoint of Value Chain theory --TopSun Optronics as an Example
Authors: 陳靖怡
Jenpy-Yi Chen
Chyan Yang
Yau-De Wang
Keywords: TFT-LCD;Design House;競爭策略;價值論;資源基礎理論;Porter五力分析;藍海策略;TFT-LCD;Design House;Competition Strategy;Valuse Chain;Resource-Base Theory;Porter five forces Analysis;Blue Ocean Strategy
Issue Date: 2005
Abstract: TFT-LCD產業是台灣繼半導體產業之後,另一項備受矚目的明星產業。自2003年以來,受到新世代TFT生產線陸續進入量產的影響,原本屬於市場產能供應主力的三.五代廠與三代廠等舊世代產線,為了因應成本壓力與擴大競爭優勢,陸續轉入中小尺寸面板生產領域,造成這兩年來中小尺寸面板的蓬勃發展。由於對中小面版的設計需求度將會越來越高,且持續朝多樣化發展,看準這一塊市場的商機與變化的特性,台灣陸續有幾家公司成立,定位在”專門從事中小尺寸液晶模組的設計公司”。
本論文主要著重以系統的剖析TFT LCD Design House—個案公司在中小尺寸TFT-LCD整體產業市場的價值鏈結構地位與基礎資源定位;其企業競爭策略該如何擬定與執行,以因應市場的高度競爭,此外亦會依據相關的競爭策略理論,以Porter的五力分析模型、一般性競爭策略,以及當前興起的藍海策略,一方面探討TFT LCD Design House的競爭優勢和產業地位,一方面針對目前台灣中小尺寸TFT-LCD製造廠商目前的優勢、劣勢、機會與威脅分析,期能擬出因應策略與建議以供參考。
TFT-LCD industry is another high-profile rising star in Taiwan after semiconductor industry. Since 2003 affected by mass production of the new generation of TFT, the old generation production line, i.e. G3 and G3.5, which were the main suppliers of TFT LCD Display Market, have been transformed to the middle-small size panel production, and had caused the booming of the middle-small size panels in the past two years. Because the demands for customer-design of the middle-small size panels will be increasing and diversifying, several companies in Taiwan have been set up as “professional design houses for middle-small LCD TFT modules” aiming this market.
The dissertation emphasizes on systematic analysis of a case study on the position of one TFT LCD design house in the Value Chain and Resource-Base Theory of the whole middle-small size TFT-LCD market and on the way of formation and execution of its business strategies to cope with highly competitive market. In addition, by adoption of Porter 5 Force Analysis, Generic Competitive Strategies and Blue Ocean Strategy, the advantages and industry position of such TFT LCD Design House will be discussed as well as the SWOP analysis of middle-small size TFT-LCD manufacturers in Taiwan in order to compose the strategies and advices for such design house.
Appears in Collections:Thesis