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dc.contributor.authorYan chinghsuen_US
dc.contributor.authorYau-De Wangen_US
dc.description.abstract企業如何選擇元件供應合作夥伴? 本研究的目的在以競合理論與資源基礎理論探討企業在選擇元件供應合作廠商時,對其各方面條件的考量程度。本研究將企業的合作廠商所提供的元件或服務區分為與企業核心能力有關與非核心能力有關,檢驗核心/非核心對條件考量的影響。另外,又將合作廠商區分為有競爭關係者與無競爭關係者,檢驗有競爭/無競爭關係對條件考量的影響。最後,加入企業自己本身條件的變數,去去檢驗企業對供應商不同條件的考量程度。 研究結果顯示,當企業在選擇合作廠商時,只有在當合作廠商有競爭關係時,會特別考慮合作廠商的聲望,但競爭性愈大時,愈不考慮。其他條件的考慮因素在有競爭關係與無競爭關係時,並無顯著性差異。反倒是當企業自身聲望愈高時,愈不考慮廠商的聲望;企業自身財力愈大時,愈會去考慮合作廠商的聲望;當企業自身技術創新能力愈高時,愈不考慮合作廠商的財力。根據研究的結果,期能對產業有所幫助。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractHow does a company select its parts supplier? This study aims to explore how companies choose their parts suppliers on the basis of the co-opetition theory and the resource-based theory. In the study, the relatedness of the components or services provided by the parts suppliers to the core competence of the procuring companies and the suppliers’ competitiveness with the procuring companies were examined to see their influence on procuring companies’ selection of their suppliers. Finally, the conditions of the procuring companies were also examined to see how they affect the companies’ selection of their suppliers. The results of this study suggest that when a procuring company and its supplier are not competing with each other, the procuring company will be more likely to choose a supplier that has higher reputation. When there is the competition, the greater the competition, the less likely the procuring company would consider the reputation of a potential supplier. Competition has no effect on procurer’s considerations on any other supplier’s qualifications. When the reputation of a procurer was higher, it will consider less its supplier’s reputation. When a procurer is stronger on financial performance, it will consider more its supplier’s reputation. The more innovative a procurer is, the less it will consider its supplier’s financial performance. The findings from this study will provide useful management knowledge in understanding how companies in the industries choose their suppliers.en_US
dc.subjectcore competenceen_US
dc.subjectco-opetition relationen_US
dc.subjectresource-based theoryen_US
dc.titleA study on the factors that influence the selection of parts-supplier partners:an analysis taking co-opetition and one's own condition into considerationen_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis