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dc.contributor.authorNeng Liuen_US
dc.contributor.authorMin Jen Tsaien_US
dc.description.abstract以往企業獲得競爭優勢,必須投入大量的有形資產,如:土地、勞力、設備與廠房等便可以達到經濟規模,在資訊發達的今天,企業的策略思考方向已從生產導向轉變成顧客導向,提供差異化的服務,才能避免在價格上的流血競爭。由於顧客要求即時、可靠的諮詢服務,客服中心的設立,成為企業與顧客間溝通的橋樑,時至今日,客服中心更成為市場競爭重要的一環。從管理面來看,現在的客服中心重視資源的整合與專業分工,利用大陸地區低成本的人力資源輔以台灣優良的管理機制合作,客服中之應用通訊與電腦技術自動化處理大量的工作。對顧客而言,客服中心為企業面對客戶的單一互動窗口,企業依其產品特性,在服務模式的規劃必須以產品的特性訂立獨特的策略。建立良好的客服中心是企業導入顧客關係管理的第一步,提供顧客無微不至的關懷是提高顧客忠誠度的重要關鍵,高品質的產品可以吸引顧客上門,而好的服務是企業與顧客建立長期關係的先決要件。 本研究個案公司宇達電通(Mio-TECH)為汽車導航移動通訊產品的供應商,以Mio Digi-Worker品牌提供可攜式電子導航產品,個案研究的資料蒐集範圍是根據2005年的統計資料所進行的研究,針對客服中心在服務流程改善的作法,從策略、組織、流程、科技四個層面來思考,在分析競爭者策略與企業本身的優、劣勢後,客服中心對顧客需求進一步的分析,提出客服中心在服務流程改善計劃『Mio宅配修』提高服務品質及降低營運成本的方法,改善維修方面的服務流程,減少顧客送修的不便,客服中心新的服務功能銜接上顧客的需求,結合原有的維修資源,加上網頁服務與客服中心的線上維修服務申請,以不斷地求新求變的客製化服務來因應市場競爭。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn order to be a competitor in the business field, Companies have to make large quantitative investments such as land, labor, facility, equipments. However, in today's fast moving world, Businesse’s strategy has been changed from production oriented to customer oriented and provide differencial service to avoid competition in price. Because customer requires real-time, reliable information service, Customer service department provides a bridge between business and customers. Nowdays, Providing satisfaying customer services plays a major role in the business competion. From the management point of view, The current customer service center emphasis information intergration and professional cooperation. By taking China's low labor cost advantage and Taiwan's excellent business management, most of customer inquiries processed by field applicaion information and automation. Service center is business's first and only window to customer. Depending on business's uniqueness, The customer service needs to have different strategy. Building good service senter is the first step in customer relationship managment. Providing total care to customer is the key to add customer's loyalty. High quality products can attract customer, But good service is the key to building long lasting relationship with the customer. As computer hardware venders continuously improve the function and quality of computer products, the personal computer has become a staple of everyday life, A commodity product yielding very slim profiles. As a longtime OEM company MiTAC has created a brand name of its own, ‘Mio Tech’ to transform its business model in the new high tech era and create its own synergy to realize profits. Therefore, Quality of the manufacturing is not the only key to survival in this highly competitive industry, the issues of customer service for the buyers has become the key decisive and irreplaceable factor. This case study focus’s on Mio-Tech as a provider of car mobile communication products which supply the portable electronic navigation market. With the low labor cost in Asia, especially China, Mio-Tech's headquartered in Taiwan requires an efficient management team to perform and maintain a sustainable service model and customer relationship management between China and Taiwan operation centers. Therefore, the service model and the strategy have to be constructed based on the features of the products and be unique in order to provide the competitive advantages for high tech consumer electronics. This cast study analyzes how Mio-Tech's call center improve the customer service in terms of strategy, technology, manpower and procedures. Traditionally customers had to send the defective products to the dealer sites for repair, The dealers gives a service tag. Then sent the defective material to the repair center through the corresponding channels, and the product would be returned to the dealer sites after repair. After analyzing the competitor's strategies, the characteristic of Mio-Tech, and requirements of customers, Mio-Tech drove a project "ERMA" for the call center in order to enhance the service quality, lower the operation cost, and simplify the repair process. The new functions of the customer service center take care of the customer's demands, integrate the existed resources and the on-line service including the on-line repair application. The target is to get as close as possible to the market with flexible and customized service processes. In this study, we have found that the technical enhancement, The customer's expectation and the corporate strategy have been significantly communicated and leveraged into a sound customer relationship management system.en_US
dc.subjectCall Centeren_US
dc.titleThe Business Model of Service Center Case Study of Mio-TECHen_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis