標題: 人格特質差異對部落格感受與使用研究
A Study of Personality Differences in Perceptions and Use of Blog
作者: 黃耀民
關鍵字: 創新擴散理論;部落格;博格;網誌;網路日誌;人格特質;五大人格特質;感受;BLOG;weblog;the Big Five;Mini Marker;Personality;Theory of Diffusion of Innovation;perception
公開日期: 2005
摘要: 本研究採用Rogers(1983)創新擴散理論特質,參考Moore & Benbasat(1991)對創新感受特質構念並加入臨界數量感受(Markus,1987)、享樂愉悅感受(Van der Heijden,2004),對現今迅速崛起的BLOG網際網路應用環境進行實證上的研究,研究設計的過程中考量了潛在的人格特質對創新感受的影響差異。研究結果顯示在考量人格特質因素下,享樂愉悅、結果展示、相容性、相對利益、以及複雜性感受依序為影響廣泛的網路使用者在BLOG使用意願上的顯著影響因素,而可視性、形象性感受以及臨界數量感受在本研究的實證結果並不顯著,文中並提出解釋說明。研究結果亦說明了創新擴散感受會因潛在人格特質差異而有所不同,進一步影響對創新事物(BLOG)的使用意願:開放學習性特質中,相對利益感受愈高,愈能激發其使用的意願,但相容性感受會對使用意願有負面的影響;形象性感受對嚴謹自律的人格特質使用意願有正面的影響;外向性的人格特質會因為相容性感受、複雜性感受、結果展示感受較高而提升使用的意願,但會因為相對利益感受而降低使用意願;友善性的人格特質對使用意願的表達則較無自己的主張;神經質較其他人格特質容易感受享樂愉悅性及可視性感受而提升使用意願,但非理性的念頭在相對利益感受愈高,以及結果展示愈明顯時,卻對使用意願,有負面的影響。研究最後並針對研究結果提出管理上的意涵以及後續相關議題研究的方向。
This research implements Diffusion of Innovation Theory (Rogers, 1983) and incorporates the perception of innovation characteristics (Moore & Benbasat, 1991), perceive critical mass (Markus, 1987), and perceive enjoyment/ hedonic factor (Van der Heijden, 2004) to measure the perceptions of adopting the fluttering blog application empirically among up-to-date internet users. The considerations of users’ characteristic differences that would potentially affect the perceptions toward Use Intention are also included. The result shows that, under the considerations of characteristic differences, Hedonic (HD), Result Demonstration (RD), Compatibility (CPT), Relative Advantage (RA), and Complicity (CPL) perceptions are in sequence the factors that affect the public network users’ Intentions of using blog significantly, meanwhile the effects of Visibility (VB), Image (IM) and perceive Critical Mass (CM) are rather less significant in this research. Further explanations of the results are included in this paper. The research also demonstrates that the perceptions of innovation differ due to potentially personality differences and further affect the Use Intention (UI) for innovation matters (blog): to Openness to Experience trait, the higher RA the higher UI, but CPT feeling would have negative effect; to Conscientious trait, IM would have positive effect to UI; to Extraversion trait, CPT, CPL, RD would increase, but RA would decrease UI; Agreeable trait has neutral idea toward UI; Neuroticism trait is much easier to perceive HD and VB feelings than other traits and improves UI but irrational thoughts would have negative effect when RA and RD perceptions are high. Managerial discussions from these results and extended topics are also suggested in this paper for further studies and applications.


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