Title: 新竹市女性消費者購買百貨公司專櫃彩妝之消費行為及百貨公司週年慶促銷方式偏好之研究
The Research of Hsinchu female citizens's Consumer Behavior on Purchasing Cosmatics and the Preference on Annual Sale of Department Store
Authors: 林億倩
Lin, Yi-Chien
Chi Chiang
Quang-Hua Chen
Keywords: 百貨公司;週年慶;化妝品;促銷;涉入;偏好;Department Store;Annual Sale;Cosmetics;Promotion;Involvement;Preference
Issue Date: 2006
Abstract: 本論文探討新竹市女性消費者在購買百貨公司專櫃彩妝用品的消費行為,包含動機、資訊來源、產品屬性、購買內容、消費金額、購買地點、購買品牌等,並且進ㄧ步探討百貨公司週年慶促銷活動是否影響女性消費者的購買意願,以及週年慶期間百貨公司慣用的各種促銷方式以多元尺度分析方式描繪出偏好圖。冀望本研究之結果,能夠對後續研究有所貢獻。

This research explored the Hsinchu female citizens’ consumer behavior on purchasing cosmetics at department stores, including purchasing motivations, information resources, product attributes, purchasing contents, expenditure on cosmetics, purchasing places, and purchasing brands. The annual sales promotion activity of department store also used to futher discuss whether annual sale affect female consumers’ purchasing intent and department stores often used promotional modes during annual sale activity. This study adapted multi-dimentional scaling to describe consumer preference.

This research find out that Hsinchu female citizens are majorly buying the cosmetic items as loose power, foundation and lipstick; and the most preferred brands as SHISEID, CHANEL, and SHU UEMURA; the the major purchase place as SOGO; purchase motivations as beauty and quality; the main information resources as newpaper and maganize, and beauty program on TV; the highly of product attributes as quality and effect. About the important promotion has increased purchasing intent on cosmetics, especially bundle pack、10% discount, and buy 1000 get 100 have highly preference.
Appears in Collections:Thesis