Title: 消費者對筆記型電腦產品量販店商店印象、限時折扣促銷與購買意願之影響----以台北市消費者為例
A study of Store Image of General Merchandise Store, Time-limited Discount Promotion effect on Consumer Purchasing Willingness—a Case Study on Consumers of Taipei City when purchasing laptop
Authors: 宋融昇
Jung-Sheng Sung
Chi Chiang
Quang-Hua Chen
Keywords: 促銷方式;限時折扣促銷;商店印象;購買意願;涉入;消費者行為理論;sales promotion;time-limited discount promotion
Issue Date: 2006
Abstract: 在日益競爭的市場環境下,零售業者希望在行銷組合上,包含產品、通路、價格、促銷上期望能滿足消費者的需求,以期提高顧客購買意願與銷售總額。 限時折扣促銷是一種商品銷售的促銷策略,是一種讓消費者感覺立即性的需求而產生刺激短期銷售的技巧,限時折扣促銷的訊息能夠先吸引消費者的注意,讓消費者在大量的商品銷售資訊中優先注意到您的商品。本研究經由問卷設計與發放,蒐集資訊來探討大型量販店採取限時促銷活動,及量販店商店印象對消費者購買意願所產生的影響。進而分析1.不同人口統計變數之筆記型電腦消費者在購買程序上之分析,包含購買動機、資訊尋求、產品屬性、消費實態。2.量販店限時折扣促銷活動對不同人口統計變數消費者購買意願之影響。3.量販店商店印象對不同人口統計變數消費者購買意願之影響。 研究結果主要有下列六點: 1. 消費者不同「性別」、「年齡」、「可支用所得」,在購買筆記型電腦購買動機上有顯著差異。 2. 消費者不同「性別」、「年齡」,在購買筆記型電腦資訊尋求上有顯著差異。 3. 消費者不同「性別」、「年齡」、「教育程度」「職業」「每月可之用所得」,在購買筆記型電腦時,對產品屬性之重視程度上有顯著差異。 4. 消費者不同「性別」、「年齡」,在購買筆記型電腦消費實態上有顯著差異。 5. 消費者不同「教育程度」,在購買筆記型電腦對限時促銷活動購買意願上有顯著差異 6. 消費者不同「性別」、「教育程度」、「職業」,在購買筆記型電腦時,對商店印象在購買意願上有顯著差異。 關鍵字:促銷方式、限時折扣促銷、商店印象、購買意願、涉入、消費者行為理論
As the increasing competition, retailers expect to satisfy consumer on the marketing matrix including product, place, price and promotion in order to stimulate the purchasing willingness of consumer and raise the sales. Time-limited discount Promotion is a kind of promotion strategy for selling, which can make consumer feeling the instant demand and stimulate the sales in a short time. The message of Time-limited discount Promotion could attract the attention of consumers, and tend to make the consumers focus on your products first when using this strategy in such a broad range of products. The motivation of this research is focusing on three points: 1. the purchasing process of consumer. 2. Will the Time-limited Promotion discount influence the purchasing willingness of consumer? 3. Will the Store Image influence the purchasing willingness of consumer? 392 valid questionnaires were collected for this research and were used to obtain the following result: The purchasing willingness of consumer was influenced by the time-limited discount promotion; the purchasing willingness of consumer was influence by the store image. Key Words: sales promotion, time-limited discount promotion
Appears in Collections:Thesis