Title: 運用眼球追蹤法探討國小科學與非科學教師在電流動畫中的注意力分佈與其概念之研究
Use Eye-tracking System to Investigate Science and Nonscience Elementary School Teachers’ Concepts Involving the Animation of Electric Current and their Attention
Authors: 蔡金成
Chin-Cheng Tsai
Hsiao-Ching She
Keywords: 眼球追蹤;電流概念;注意力;另有概念;國小教師;eye tracking;electric current concept;attention;alternative concept;elementary school teacher
Issue Date: 2006
Abstract: 本研究主要目的為探討電流概念相關之網路多媒體動畫對教師電流另有概念之概念改變學習成效,並進一步以Eye-Tracking技術探討不同學科背景教師,在觀看動畫教學時眼球凝視點次數 (number of fixations)、凝視時間(fixation duration)和視線軌跡(scanpath)的差異,以及其眼動與概念建構間的關係。 研究對象為36位新竹市部分國小的教師,依研究設計分為科學相關學科背景與非科學相關學科背景兩組,科學相關15人與非科學相關21人進行「電流概念」主題的動畫教學與眼球追蹤,實驗前後以晤談的方式了解不同學科背景教師對於電流的另有概念與概念改變的情形。 研究結果顯示不同學科背景的國小教師在電流相關概念上的認知情形有顯著差異,並存在許多另有概念,而電流概念多媒體動畫能幫助教師進行概念改變,兩組後測訪談成績都顯著大於前測成績;另外不同學科背景的Eye-Tracking資料雖沒有高度顯著差異,但發現科學背景教師在動畫區域上凝視點平均時間都較非科學背景教師長,科學背景教師的視線軌跡大部分的時間都在觀看動畫的物件如何動作,剩餘的時間才會瀏覽說明文字和鑲嵌文字;非科學背景教師的視線軌跡大部份的時間在瀏覽文字和鑲嵌文字區域,瀏覽動畫區域的時間較短。造成科學教師在許多概念的獲得成效遠高於非科學教師,如:電子流與電流、電池化學能轉換成電能與導線中的粒子有原子等概念。除此之外,發現不論科學與非科學教師當其眼球注意力分佈與平均凝視時間都相近時,概念獲得百分比也相近,如:電子通過導線的方式與導線中粒子的大小等概念。因此本研究除了證明注意力分佈與概念建構的程度有密切的關係,同時本研究設計除動畫與聲音外,輔以文字說明,卻不同於以往學者研究結果,可以達到完整的概念改變。
The main purpose of this research is to study the learning effect of multi-media animations of electric current on teachers’ reformation of extra concept. The research uses Eye-Tracking system to study the number of fixations, fixation duration and scanpath of teachers with different subject-learning backgrounds. It explains the relationship between eye movements and the concept reformation. This research has 36 testees who are elementary school teachers of Hsinchu City. They are divided into two groups: 15 testees with science background and 21 testees with non-science background. The teachers watch the animation about electric current while their eye movements are tracked. Before and after the animation, they are interviewed with questions on electric current. The results are scored to monitor their concept reformation. The result is that among the teachers of different learning background, there are very different concepts and extra concepts on electric current. The electric current animation helps the teachers to precede their concept changes. The post interview scores are higher than the pre interview scores for both groups. Although the eye-tracking data are not very sharply different among teachers of different learning background, the mean fixation duration of teachers with science background looked at the animation longer. Most of the time, their eyes trace the movements of the object. The teachers with non-science background look at the literal descriptions longer. The result is that the teachers with science background have a better learning achievement than the teachers of non-science background, such as concepts about electron flow and electric current, the transformation of battery chemical energy change to electricity and the existence of atoms in the wire. Besides, the research tells that when the mean fixation duration and the eyeball concentration for both groups are similar, the percentages of concepts they acquire are very similar. This is shown in concepts such as the traveling patterns of electrons and the size of the granule in the wire. This research proves that there is a close relationship between the attention degree and the development of concept. Unlike the results of previous scholastic researches, this research designs an animation with pictures, sounds and literal descriptions. It has a better achievement on the concept reformation.
Appears in Collections:畢業論文


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