標題: 行動電話及網路電話替代固網語音業務之研究
A Study on the Substitution of Mobile and VoIP for Fixed-line Voice Business
作者: 費家琪
Chia-Chi Fei
Chi-Kuo Mao
關鍵字: 行動電話;網路電話;固網;破壞性創新;資源、流程與價值;Mobile;VoIP;Fixed-line telephone;disruptive innovation;resources, processes, and values
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 「電話」是民眾在每天生活中都少不了的通訊工具,但是有一天,這項通訊工具受到新科技的挑戰,喪失其競爭力,使得電話線路面臨被切斷的威脅,電話王國被崩解的命運?這不是狂想曲,因為這樣的故事在電信世界中曾經出現,當年「電報」是人們唯一的通訊工具,剛誕生的電話技術毫不起眼,卻能夠成功挑戰在位者,使得電報這項通訊技術走入歷史,而現在電話王國被威脅也是已經醞釀中之事,電話經過百餘年的發展後在近二十年來碰上兩個強敵,首先是1980年代誕生的行動電話,以及1995年出現的網路電話,這兩者都以其具有破壞性創新的特性,使得電話王國面對挑戰。 本研究嘗試應用「破壞性創新」理論的觀點,分析電信產業發展的變化趨勢,了解我國的行動電話與網路電話發展對固網語音業務帶來的影響與衝擊,以及促成替代效應的相關因素,主要有三個因素出現,包括:所得效應、可負擔效應與門檻效應。在行動電話替代固網業務上可以由全球宏觀面與台灣微觀面發現都已有明顯的替代效應,至於在網路電話部分,則以Skype在台灣發展情況來看,雖然對既有固網形成衝擊,但由於Skype免費互打的特色,因此相對是蒸發固網業務的營收,在替代效應上還有待未來演變來觀察。 長江後浪推前浪這句中國人的古語,正可以巧妙的詮釋電信業的發展趨勢,新科技不斷湧現使得既有科技受到威脅,固網業務在2003年前的主要競爭對手是行動電話,之後則是網路電話,另一方面有線電視與資訊業界主導的WiMAX也正從不同的方向來襲,不同科技間存在既競爭又合作關係,隨著科技的進步未來走向整合匯流的新趨勢。
Telephone is our daily communication tool, but it is being under attacks from new technologies. The falling of Telephone Empire is not impossible. Almost one century ago, same story happened to Telegraph Empire. At that time, telegraph is the dominative long-distance communication tool, and the new born telephone just looked like a toy. But thereafter, telephone successfully overthrew the incumbent and let telegraph became history. Nowadays, Mobile and VoIP both have the essences of disruptive innovation, and they are challenging the current incumbent — telephone. This study is based on the theory of disruptive innovation to analyze the development trend of telecom industry. It aims to depict the impact of Mobile and VoIP to Fixed-line voice business, and articulate the factors which catalyze the substitution effect. According to researches, there are three factors: income effect, affordability effect, and threshold effect. And the conclusion is: Mobile has obvious substitution effect for Fixed-line voice business both in the globe and in Taiwan; but the VoIP’s substitution effect, as Skype’s status quo in Taiwan, still need more time to observe.