標題: Comparison of thermal lensing effects between single-end and double-end diffusion-bonded Nd:YVO(4) crystals for (4)F(3/2)->(4)I(11/2) and (4)F(3/2)->(4)I(13/2) transitions
作者: Chang, Y. T.
Huang, Y. P.
Su, K. W.
Chen, Y. F.
Department of Electrophysics
公開日期: 8-十二月-2008
摘要: The effective focal lengths of thermal lens in diode-end-pumped continuous-wave Nd:YVO(4) lasers for the (4)F(3/2)->(4)I(11/2) and (4)F(3/2)->(4)I(13/2) transitions were determined. The experimental results revealed that the thermal lensing effect for the (4)F(3/2)->(4)I(11/2) transition can be sufficiently improved by employing a single-end diffusion-bonded Nd: YVO4 crystal replacing a conventional Nd: YVO4 crystal. However, using a double-end diffusion-bonded Nd: YVO4 crystal was a great improvement over a single-end diffusion-bonded Nd: YVO4 crystal for the (4)F(3/2)->(4)I(13/2) transition with stronger thermal lensing effect. (C) 2008 Optical Society of America
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1364/OE.16.021155
ISSN: 1094-4087
DOI: 10.1364/OE.16.021155
Volume: 16
Issue: 25
起始頁: 21155
結束頁: 21160


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