標題: 以二軸陀螺儀感測器應用於人機介面之滑鼠
A Dual-Axis Gyro Sensor based Mouse for Human-Machine Interface Application
作者: 倪嘉宏
Chia-Hung Ni
Jin-Chern Chiou
關鍵字: 陀螺儀;滑鼠;微控制器;Gyro sensor;Mouse;Micro controller
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 滑鼠是操作電腦的裝置,現今已應用的很普遍,但一般來講,必須在桌面上操作。本研究是在實現一種不需桌面也可方便操縱指標的滑鼠,使滑鼠的控制更加沒有場地限制。 本系統利用一個二軸陀螺儀感測器來感測手部角速度的變化。所感測到的類比訊號透過A/D轉換器轉成為數位訊號,再藉由微控制器進行訊號的處理,進而模擬滑鼠控制螢幕游標的移動。本系統不但體積小、省電、操作亦簡單容易,適合一般人來使用。
The Mouse is a device for operating the cursor in a computer. Although it is general application, most of mice have to be operated on the desk-top. This research is to develop a mouse which can be operated away from desk. Users are more unrestrained when using the mouse in this system. This system uses a dual-axis gyro sensor to measure angular velocity of hand in space. The measured analog signals from gyro sensor are changed into the digital signals through an A/D converter, and then the digital signals can be processed by a microcontroller to control cursor of the computer. For the reason of small volume, power saving and easy operation, the system is suitable for everyone.
Appears in Collections:Thesis