標題: 往復式壓縮機模擬軟體之冷媒模組開發與其在天然冷媒之應用
Refrigerant Module Development and its Application on Natural Refrigerant for Simulation of Reciprocating Compressor
作者: 呂理強
Li-Chiang Lu
Chinghua Hung
關鍵字: 往復式;壓縮機;天然冷媒;模擬;Reciprocating;Compressor;Natural-Refrigerant;Simulation
公開日期: 2006
摘要: 本論文為發展小型密封式往復式壓縮機效能模擬軟體的延伸,此模擬軟體整合熱流、機構與整體系統動態與最佳化模組並以數值方法進行分析與模擬。承接先前的發展的效能模擬軟體,對於不同的工作冷媒,透過連結美國國家標準技術研究所NIST所發展的冷媒熱力性質與參數轉換計算軟體REFPROP,在各種冷媒物性的設定、循環中各特徵點冷媒性質的給予以及熱流核心計算的部份,可以順利的轉換,讓模擬軟體應用更廣泛。同時藉此模擬軟體的發展能節省研發成本並縮短設計與研發的時間。研究中,並進行了R134a、R600a與R600a&R290的模擬與效能分析,以改變馬達轉速、閥片厚度、冷凝溫度和蒸發溫度以及汽缸尺寸來進行模擬,達成改善現有的壓縮機設計使其對於各種冷媒有最佳的效率。
The main purpose of this thesis is to develop a new refrigerant module into simulation software for reciprocating compressor. This window-based software, which integrates the thermal analysis modules, the mechanism modules, and optimization modules can be used to simulate the performance of the compressor numerically. Based on the original software from ITRI, the Fluid Thermodynamic and Transport Properties Database(REFPROP) developed by National Institute of Standards and Technology(NIST) is transferred into a refrigerant module with different refrigerants. Furthermore, the performance comparison between R134a, R600a and R600a&R290 were conducted with this software. Design parameters such as rotational speed, reed thickness, temperature of condenser and evaporator, and size of cylinder, were analyzed by this simulation software in order to establish bases for better designs of reciprocating compressors with different natural refrigerants.


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