Title: 移動熱源平板加工之製程參數規劃與評估
Process Planning and Evaluation of Plate Workpiece Thermal Cutting with Moving Heat Source
Authors: 胡峻榕
Jun-Rong Hu
Pi-Ying Cheng
Keywords: ANSYS;APDL;移動熱源;熱應力;微應力檢測;ANSYS;APDL;Moving heat source;Thermal stress;Micro stress detection
Issue Date: 2006
Abstract: 本研究係利用有限元素分析軟體ANSYS,模擬雷射加工時動態熱源加工品質的分析,作為加工製程規劃的參考,同時藉由影像式量測法評估加工過程的熱應力變化影響,同時考慮連續移動式熱源。本研究採用ANSYS中結合參數化程式語言APDL進行遞迴式的計算與分析模擬連續移動式熱源的作用影響。本文分為兩大主題,主題一是針對脆性材料的加工品質,脆性材料的切割破裂原因主要是由熱應力所造成,本研究探討多種實際加工條件與製程參數組合情形的加工成效,首先模擬施加移動式熱源在平板上的熱應力變化,平板加工的起始端與結尾端出現裂縫時移動熱源參數的影響,及模擬雙熱源的熱加工成效評估,探討熱應力的分佈與變化,對冷熱源功率以及熱源間距變化對加工成效的影響。雙熱源的探討有效地增強拉伸張應力,可提供為切割脆性平板材料製程規劃的參考。實驗方面配合模擬分析規劃光學量測方法,架設非接觸影像式量測以量測出熱源施加在平板上的應變分佈情況,藉以驗證分析結果的正確性。主題二針對軟性高分子聚合物薄片材料的熱加工進行加工影響的分析與實驗。針對此材質易受到溫度而產生變形或燒熔,因此,針對模擬熱源切割不同間距時在加工路線中間各量測點對溫度變化做探討與模擬分析,以模擬的結果做為參考來找出實驗中切割軟性材質的最佳參數,作為切割軟性高分子聚合物薄板的應用。本研究成果具有實用意義,可提供為進一步學術研究與工業應用的參考。
The research focus on the development of the evaluation methodology and experiment of thermal cutting processes with moving heat source on a flat work piece. The study adopting APDL tool to develop several thermal cutting processes model with different critical fabrication parameters and creative operation methods which are successfully linking to ANSYS finite element analysis software. For advanced applications, brittle and polynomial thin plat materials are chosen as two major demonstrated focuses in the study. For brittle case, such as glass, silicon etc., the enhanced stress concentration effect is the key topic. For example the study proposes the dual heat sources concepts with heat source followed by a cool source in a optimal distance. For another one, such as plastic thin plate cutting process, the cutting quality and the relative operation parameters are the study objects. The image processing based micro stress detection methodology and experiments are planted and implemented for verifying the correctness of the previous qualitative/quantitative simulation prediction. The study proposed innovative simulation model for thin plat cutting have been verified by micro stress detection experiments. Several critical values of operation parameters and processes have also been discovered. The results of the study are practical and useful for academic and industry applications.
Appears in Collections:Thesis