Title: 以實驗的方法研究真空紫外光準分子燈管之紫外光放射
Experimental Study of UV Emission of a Vacuum Ultra Violet Excimer Lamp
Authors: 陳又寧
Yu-Ning Chen
Jong-Shinn Wu
Keywords: 介電質放電;準分子燈;真空紫外光;稀有氣體;172 奈米;Dielectric Barrier Discharge;Excimer Lamp;VUV;Rare gas;172 nm
Issue Date: 2006
Abstract: 介電質放電 (Dielectric Barrier Discharge, DBD)已經發展了很長一段時間了,在許多方面都有廣泛的應用。其中,準分子燈的應用在最近幾年更是受到相當大的注意,由於其在工業上廣泛的應用。像是材料沉積技術、光化學技術、螢光燈管及電漿顯示器等方面。 為了應付越來越廣泛的應用,提升光強度成為一個追求的目標。在本實驗中,我們利用純氙氣及惰性氣體混合來探討混合氣體比例對於光強度的影響。並且調整氣體總壓、頻率及輸入功率等參數,來觀察光強度的變化。 最後,了解各個參數與光強度之間的關係,並調整參數以獲得最佳的光強度表現。
Dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) has developed for a long time, and has widely application in many fields. Among them, the excimer lamp attracts goodliness attention in recent years due to its widely application in industry, for example, new materials processing, photochemistry, fluorescent lamp and plasma display panels. In order to deal with more and more application, to promote light intensity of 172 nm becomes a questing goal. In this experiment, we discuss the effect of mixture fraction on light intensity by means of put in pure Xe and rare gas mixture. And to adjust gas total pressure, frequency and input power to observe the change of light intensity. Finally, we can realize the relation between the factors and the light intensity, and obtain the optimized operating conditions.
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