標題: 維護更新工程之進度規劃模式
Scheduling Model for Maintenance and Renovation Projects
作者: 姜林銘洲
關鍵字: 更新工程;空間語法;資源排程;進度規劃;Maintenance and Renovation Projects;Space Syntax;resource scheduling;scheduling
公開日期: 2006
摘要: 進度規劃在工程上一直是相當重要的問題,歷年來也有許多相關的研究,但現今所有進度規劃模式幾乎都著重在新建工程上,鮮少有這更新工程方面的研究,然而更新工程一直在業界中占了相當大的工程比例,在未來維護更新方面工程也只會增加不會減少。在舊有建物中,無論在使用上或者施工時,空間是一種有限且相當重要的資源,施工上的空間衝突會影響工程的進行與效率,而且在更新工程中,如果建物還在使用中,施工空間也會對使用空間造成影響,對現有的使用者或者業主來說,都是不願見到的。在施工中如何使空間使用達到最好,並降低空間阻礙與衝突來提升工作效率,以利對現有使用者造成的影響降到最低。 為使施工廠商能於施工前確定作業與空間使用衝突問題,以利工程施工時之掌控與事先業主協調空間使用狀況,建立邏輯性規劃模式,以空間語法將空間量化,再以空間為資源做資源排程,依照不同空間特性進行規劃,使不同需求之施工皆能有較合理之進度規劃為參考依據,此為主要研究問題。維護更新工程進行時並不像新建工程是從無到有,而是舊有建築進行更新,所以存在著舊有空間與格局限制,所有的施工空間會彼此進行衝突與干擾,因此本研究以空間語法來分析空間特性,並思考如何將干擾降到最低並改善進度規劃問題。
Schedule planning is a quite important issue in engineering at all times. In recent years, there are several related researches on this topic. However, all of the existing schedule planning focus on new projects, but maintenance and renovation projects. Since maintenance and renovation projects are significant parts in commercial applications, the demand for these projects increase rapidly. In the case of the existing buildings, since the space is a kind of limited and critical resource in using or constructing processes, the space conflicts will decrease the rate of progress and the efficiency of project. Besides, during the duration of maintenance and renovation projects, the working areas will form influences to the using areas. It is an unacceptable condition for users and proprietor. For decreasing the effect on users and increasing the working efficiency, the optimal space usage with less space conflicts and obstructers will be determined. In order to confirm the working and space conflicts in advance for the working-hour controlling and the space allocation, the main topic is to obtain reasonable schedule planning by constructing an logical scheduling mode, quantizing the space by space syntax and performing the resource scheduling of spaces according to different space properties. Since maintenance and renovation projects are updating the existing buildings instead of growing out of nothing, all of the working areas will interference and clash with each other and there are some constrains from the existing spaces and layouts. Thus, this work will focus on analyzing the space properties by space syntax for reducing the interferences and improving the performances of schedule planning.


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