標題: 興建公立博物館可行性評估項目之研究
Research on Feasibility Assessments for Public Museum Constructions
作者: 趙怡昀
Yi-Yun Chao
Shyh-Chang Huang
關鍵字: 公立博物館;可行性評估;文獻分析;問卷調查;深度訪談;public museums;feasibility assessment;literature reviews;questionnaires;in-depth interview
公開日期: 2006
摘要: 台灣目前大、小型博物館林立且種類甚多,由於對博物館之定義與功能尚未予以規範,造成處處皆是博物館的現象。對於博物館之興建更常常只要一個計畫目標和綱要便開始建築工程,等房子蓋好後才想到裡面的軟體部分及經營課題因此被譏為真空館,且工程開始前未進行評估分析,施工過程又因為缺乏完善計畫及計畫目標變更,常常造成工程經費大幅增加、進度延宕或是停工等問題發生。 現今公立博物館可行性分析階段缺乏一套評估架構作為興建的依據,故本論文主要針對興建公立博物館工程可行性評估階段做研究。可行性評估階段的分析完善與否,對於後續工程的成功與否影響甚鉅,其範圍涉及公共政策的訂定、都市計畫變更、環境影響評估、交通計畫等,因此,希望透過文獻分析、問卷調查和深度訪談法探討興建公立博物館工程可行性評估階段的項目與內容,並找出影響可行性分析的關鍵評估項目,最後建立可行性分析階段之評估架構及提供未來推動公立博物館需考量的關鍵評估項目,供日後參考。 根據本研究評估項目的重要性探討,歸納出興建公立博物館可行性評估之關鍵評估項目為下列5項:1.建館使命與目標、2.建館可用土地分析及取得評估、3.籌建推動步驟與執行策略分析、4.與國家政策及上位計畫關係、5.籌建組織與專業人力。8項次要關鍵評估項目為:1.展示需求及初步構想、2.營運模式分析及評估、3.組織人力規劃及地方/中央政府人力承諾、4.營運財務規劃及地方/中央政府財務承諾、5.都市計畫相關法令、6.用地取得相關法令、7.交通可及性與衝擊影響評估、8.博物館市場供需調查及預測。
The construction plans of public museums require an evaluation system at the feasibility assessment stage that provides the rationale for the construction. This dissertation examines the feasibility assessment for a public museum construction project by determining if the feasibility assessment analysis is complete, and if the analysis is influential to subsequent construction projects. The evaluation covers a wide range of issues including the formulation of public policies, changes in urban development, evaluation of the impact of construction projects to the environment, and traffic plans. This research, therefore, employs literature review, questionnaires, and in-depth interviews to probe the factors of feasibility assessments for public museum construction projects and locate the crucial factors affecting feasibility, and finally establish an evaluation structure for feasibility assessments and provide a reference for future construction projects. This research project attempts to establish a reasonable feasibility assessment system and items for evaluation as well as to provide a reference for governments and relevant staff when they make decisions regarding the construction of public museums. The research includes: (1) an exploration of the feasibility assessments for public museum construction projects, and the establishment a feasibility assessment structure; (2) the use of questionnaires to locate crucial items for feasibility assessments; (3) an explanation of the questionnaires results according to in-depth interviews. According to the thirty five factors for evaluation, the research concludes that the five crucial keys to establishing public museums are namely: 1) the mission and goals for the construction of the museum, 2) accessibility to the land for the construction, 3) preparatory procedures and executive strategies, 4) the relation between the construction project, national policies and higher-level plans, 5) organization and human resources of the preparatory committee.