Title: 反射器設計與其在紅外照明與雷射光斑消除之應用
Reflector Design and its application to IR illumination and Laser Speckle Reduction
Authors: 李建德
Chien-Te Li
Jyh-Long Chern
Keywords: 反射器設計;光學設計;紅外照明;雷射光斑消除;reflector design;optical design;IR illumination;laser speckle reduction
Issue Date: 2006
Abstract: 本論文主要目的是介紹在照明光學中反射器的設計方法並探討在紅外照明與雷射投影顯示這兩種應用上所遭遇的議題。 聚合酶連鎖反應(PCR)是一種用以放大特定DNA 片段的生物技術,利用它來做核酸分析在分子生物學、醫學臨床診斷與刑事鑑定等領域都是一項不可或缺且威力強大的方法。為了實現微小化可攜式的RT-PCR (Real-Time PCR)系統,近年來結合生物晶片技術的研究正在快速的發展中。由於紅外線加熱為非接觸式加熱具有快速加熱的優勢,本論文提出以紅外線照明器作為RT-PCR 反應器的循環加熱器。我們以鹵素鎢絲燈管做光源,並分析典型拋物面槽式反射器與多刻面槽式反射器的效益。我們使用光學模擬軟體TracePro®做光線追跡模擬並分析照射面積9x6cm2 下,確定多刻面槽式反射器可以提升收光效率約19.6%,而整個均勻度>96%(基本量測單位為25mm2)。 另外一方面,近年來搭配手機與PDA 等行動裝置使用的微型投影機越來越受重視,使用雷射作為照明光源將具有高亮度、耗電量低、體積小與更好的色彩表現。但因其高同調性,作為投影照明光源時容易有雷射光斑的雜訊,降低影像品質。本論文提出以積分球消除雷射光斑,使光斑對比由原先的69.96%降低至8.99%,並搭配反射器設計以拉回作為投影機的準直光源需求,確定可以降低雷射光斑雜訊並得到一個具有相當小發散角的準直光束(發散角<3°)。
In this thesis, we consider the optical designs of reflector in a variety of illumination application, namely, infrared illumination and laser speckle reduction. In the application of IR illumination, Nucleic-acid analysis using PCR is one of the indispensable and powerful methods used in the areas of molecular and clinical diagnostics and forensic applications. Due to a great demand for miniaturized portable real-time PCR based point-of-care devices, a non-contact thermo-cycling approach using IR system is popularly employed. We explored such an IR illumination system; we simulate a tungsten halogen lamp for light source, and investigate the optical performances of typical parabolic and developed faceted trough-type reflectors with 9x6 cm2 illumination target. It is shown that a promotion of luminaire efficiency 19.6% and the uniformity with 25 mm2 sub regions achieving up to 96% can be done by using designed faceted trough reflector. For the application of speckle reduction, rapid advances in mini-projector provide us to project multimedia data at anytime anywhere with the help of portable communication device such like mobile phone and PDA. Utilizing laser diode with its high intensity, low electrical power consumption, small volume and excellent color performance, it has a good potential for illumination source of mini-projector, except that it has good coherence which results in speckle effect and will decrease its image quality. We report a laser speckle reduction method using integrating sphere which reduce speckle contrast to 8.99% and design the optical system of reflector to collimate laser beam for the illumination of projection displays(divergence angle is lower than 3 degree).
Appears in Collections:Thesis