Title: 利用侷域性表面電漿達成高增益穿透於脊型奈米孔洞之研究
Transmission Enhancement of Ridge-based Nano Aperture by Localized Surface Plasmon
Authors: 尹世瑋
Shr-Wei Yin
Chung-Hao Tien
Keywords: 侷域性表面電漿;次波長孔洞;Localized surface plasmon;subwavelength aperture
Issue Date: 2006
Abstract: 近年來,金屬次波長孔洞的光穿透異常增強的現象引起了廣大的注意以及討論,此一現象隨後以表面電漿(Surface Plasmon)的機制加以解釋,其中研究包括1998年起由T.W. Ebbesen 教授團隊所提出一系列關於金屬次波長孔洞陣列、單一金屬次波長孔洞、週期性溝槽式結構等實驗。隨後於2004年,L. Hessenlink 教授團隊所發表特殊C型孔洞應用於近場超解析光點(波長/10),不僅具備超越繞射極限的光點,同時若與可得到相同光點大小的傳統次波長孔洞(如圓型、方型),其光學穿透增益量可達103倍。同期間,M. Mansuripur也以二維有限時域差分法(FDTD)數值地分析狹縫的光增益以及光場分佈情形。
本篇論文主要目的為針對可見光波段(紅光633 nm)對次波長奈米金屬孔洞做三維模擬分析與研究,將已發表的一些特殊形狀孔洞研究作關聯性的研究,並從其相關性發展出一個複合式結構,同時達到高光穿透率以及超解析光點,藉以期應用在許多方面如光儲存超解析光點。
In recent years, the studies about extraordinary transmission through subwavelength metallic aperture have drawn more attention, called surface plasmon. These researches included subwavelength metallic hole array, single subwavelength metallic aperture, and an aperture with periodic corrugations array by T.W. Ebbesen et al.. As in 2004, L. Hessenlink et al. designed C-shaped aperture with not only spot size to □/10 but the power throughput enhancement can achieve to ~103. Meanwhile, M. Mansuripur et al. used FDTD method to simulate the enhancement and field distributions in 2-D slit aperture.
This thesis aims to analyze the subwavelength metallic aperture in visible range (especially at □=633 nm), and the connection of the special apertures. Base on the phenomena we observed, try to give a composite structure which could take both advantages of high transmission and small spot. The researches might be applied in super resolution spot in optical data storage system.
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