標題: 使用模擬資料來比較選取標籤單體核苷酸多樣性、分單體型區塊與相關性檢定所用不同方法之組合
Comparison of Combinations of SNP Tagging, Haplotype Blocking and Association Testing Using Simulated Data
作者: 林煜淳
You-Chun Lin
Guan-Hua Huang
關鍵字: 單體核□酸多態性;母群體相關性檢定;標籤單體核□酸多態性;單體型;連鎖不平衡;SNP;Population design;Tag SNP;Haplotype;Linkage disequilibrium
公開日期: 2006
摘要: 使用病例-對照研究方法的母群體相關性檢定對於偵測人類一般疾病的治病基因有顯著功效,我們感興趣的是比較不同選取標籤單體核□酸多態性的方法與不同相關性檢定方法在不同樣本下的檢定力。
Population association studies with case-control designs are powerful to detect the genetic variations responsible for human common diseases. We were interested in how the tag SNP selection methods with association tests and samples used for tag SNP discovery would have on power. We used four methods for choosing tag SNPs: three based on haplotype diversity, one based on pair-wise linkage disequilibrium (LD) and four methods to detect association: three based on multiple-SNP test, one based on single-SNP test. Besides, haplotype blocking is an important factor we considered. In two regions from the Genetic Analysis Workshop 15 simulated data, we estimated the power and type I error at each match. The multiple-SNP test is more power than single-SNP test. In most situations, the case sample used for tag SNP selection is more power than the control sample. Association sample sizes are evident reason to effect power but tag SNP selection sample sizes are not significant to power. At the end, we advised some combinations of methods for SNP analysis.


  1. 652101.pdf

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