標題: 台灣男裝品牌的體驗策略模組與消費者態度之關聯性研究-以FIND為例
A Study of the Relationship between Experiential Strategy Module and Consumer’s Attitudes for the Menswear Brands in Taiwan-The Case of FIND
作者: 吳唯農
Wei-Nung Wu
Gwo-Wen Shieh
Her-Jiun Sheu
關鍵字: 男裝;體驗行銷;態度;體驗策略模組;Menswear;experiential strategy module;attitude
公開日期: 2006
摘要: 近年來台灣男性服裝市場穩定成長,且有越來越多的成衣業者意識到了開發男裝品牌的重要性。但另一方面,台灣也逐漸面臨了消費升級的現象,使得民眾消費意識高漲,不僅對產品與服務的品質要求有增無減,更期待於讓人印象深刻的消費過程及體驗。 本研究主要欲探討體驗策略模組(感官、情感、思考、行動、關聯)與消費態度(認知、情感、行為意向)間之關係,並採用了態度效果層級的觀點,以探討由體驗態度(認知、情感態度)對行為意向的影響。本研究採便利性抽樣,以新竹的男裝品牌FIND為例,抽取50份男性樣本做為前測,並於正式調查中回收問卷217 份,有效問卷為202 份。在進行信效度分析之後,本研究以LISREL 8.54進行模型修正,路徑分析,以及最後的假設驗證。 由研究結果顯示,男裝的消費體驗模式中,感官、情感體驗對情感態度有正向影響,而思考、行動、關聯體驗對認知態度也皆有正向影響。然而,態度之三大構面(認知、情感、行為意向)間,卻發現情感態度對消費者行為意圖有正向影響,但認知態度的影響效果不顯著。 本研究採用體驗行銷之觀點所建構的男性服裝品牌之消費體驗模式,將可供台灣新興男裝品牌,做為未來經營、行銷規劃之策略參考。
Menswear market in Taiwan grows steadily in recent years. More and more clothing manufacturers are aware of the importance of developing menswear brands. In the other hand, Taiwan has faced the new phenomenon called trading up. Consumers in this era not only request more strictly on product quality and service quality, but also expect to have impressive process of consumption and experiences. This study discusses the relationships between experiential strategy module and consumer’s attitudes. We adopted the perspective of standard learning hierarchy to discuss the relationship between experiential attitudes and behavioral intentions. In this study, we chose the emerging brand, FIND, as main target. In the pretest, 50 samples were collected by convenience sampling. In total, 202 effective questionnaires out of 217 were collected. After factor analysis , the model was modified accordingly. The results of path analysis showed that “SENCE” and “FEEL” have positive effects to “Affective Attitude”, and“THINK”, “ACT”, and “RELATE” have positive effect to “Cognitive Attitude”. Although “Affective Attitude” has positive effect to “Behavior Intention”, “Cognitive Attitude” has no effect to “Behavior Intention”. This study adopted perspectives of experiential marketing to establish an experiential model for menswear brands in Taiwan. It provides emerging menswear brands of Taiwan with a helpful direction for management and plan.


  1. 150101.pdf

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