標題: 設計營造協同作業之研究─以實際案例探討「分散式社群合作設計營造系統」之應用
Design-Build Collaborative Process Research ─ Distributed Social Collaborative Design-build System Application on Real Project
作者: 施勝誠
Shih, Cheng-Sheng
Liu, Yu-Yung
關鍵字: 合作設計營造;合作;代理員程式;分散式運算;資料挖掘;collaborative design-build;collaboration;agent;distributed computation;data mining
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 本研究將探討電腦輔助分散式社群合作設計營造專案之合作溝通過程。主要研究合作設計營造專案中各種不同專業之概念知識如何能藉由溝通過程將其擷取、儲存、以及再利用。同時,在分散式溝通運算環境中分享給合作團員,達到加乘的合作目的。近年來,大部分的研究均指出合作式設計的主要問題圍繞在設計溝通這個議題上,同時,越來越多的相關研究,已經逐漸釐清要能發揮協同作業的效能,必須藉由設計知識的分享,經過積極正面地分享設計知識才能達到「分享共識」。因此,如何拆解設計過程中各個不同領域的專家知識,以及如何快速傳遞資訊與設計概念,則成為大家矚目的研究標的。許多建築資料建模與設計知識再現的研究陸續被提出,這些研究也都成功地解決部分設計溝通的問題。 本研究總共分為三大步驟:第一是回顧主從架構合作系統、以網頁為基礎溝通平台的合作系統以及利用代理員程式技術作為溝通介面的分散式溝通環境等大三合作系統的先前研究。以建立分散式建築營造的雛型架構;第二是著重於資料模型的分析與推導,由單機運算模型、個人網頁瀏覽模型、單機網頁瀏覽與在地儲存模型、代理員程式模型等模式,第三是推導獲得最適用於分散式合作系統的分散式社群代理員程式模型;第四是以實作系統程式;第五則以實際建築營造合作案例作為系統應用之資料來源,同時探討實際合作過程中的溝通問題。針對案例一的分析結果,討論系統相關缺失,擬定系統修正策略。再以案例二的資料作為驗證修正系統的資料來源,以確認系統的有效性。 研究結果指出,案例一的應用分析係藉由資訊間關聯之同質性計算,結合 GraphicVIZ之視覺呈現方式,有效地呈現相對溝通頻繁的單位,理解到雙方已經達到設計概念共享的目的。相反的,如果團隊間,其相似熟悉度群聚分布圖上,都呈現相互背離的現象,則表示應該採取積極交換資訊以外的溝通方式,才能解決其漸行漸遠所引發不良溝通等問題。在應用分析過程,本研究也發覺許多實際案例應用的挑戰。首先,由於業主資料相對太少的情況下,資料的表現上極為分歧,原因是資料不可能全數納入計算,只能靠隨機取樣得到的結果來計算。這個統計上的系統限制,與本研究之系統設計,屬於分散式社群代理員程式之本質是相符的。 本研究所提出之「分散式社群代理員程式」系統藉由實際案例的應用分析結果顯示,系統確實能以社群對話方式擷取溝通訊息、轉化成自己的概念知識,用以適應環境做出回應,即以「原始資料」紀錄資訊;以「概念知識」創造共識;以「概念記憶」監督管理,顯示成功解決部分之設計營造協同作業的溝通問題。
This study examined the intensity of a collaborative communication process in a computer supported and distributed social collaborative design-build project. It focused on how different design-build professional’s concept knowledge can be saved, retrieved, and reused from their local computer system. It also centered on how these concepts can be shared in a virtual distributed social communication environment to enhancement the effect of the multi-professions collaboration. Extensive prior research has revealed that the communication process is the most important collaboration study problem. The design-build stakeholders jointly form a shared understanding through a process of defining the problem, exploring the space of solutions and searching for information. Much research has concluded that a shared understanding is a critical element in successful, collaborative design. This paper describes a distributed computation (agent-based) approach for identifying shared understanding in design-build communication process by analyzing communication data. By mining the relationship between collaborative participants of a shared understanding, specifically a common interest of document reference and a similar voice, a shared design-build concept knowledge and relationship of the design can emerge. Communication support tools built around shared understanding would be more effective in directing and alerting the design-build team to relevant information. The result of this paper was that not only the design data itself emphasized the value of communication but also the hidden relationships among data which generated shared understanding. We constructed the distributed social communication data model to support user to save, retrieve, and analyze among the communication process in a design-build project. We also implemented an exhaustive recommender data mining model as the clustering engine to exposing the hidden relationships among communication data. This communication data relationship also can be regarded as a user’s familiarity index with the design concept, which can be shared with others in the design-build collaborative team. Two real world design-build projects were used to test, validate, modify, and confirm the function of distributed social collaborative design-build system, implemented by this paper. In conclusion, the distributed collaborative system turned out to be highly collaborative in respect of design concept and was utilized intensely in organizing the design-build process.
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