Title: 全球WiMAX現況與台灣發展之機會與挑戰
Current Status of Global WiMAX Development and Taiwan's Opportunities and Challenges
Authors: 李柏頤
Keywords: WiMAX;無線都會網路;寬頻無線接取;電信政策;WiMAX;Wireless Metropolitan Area Network;Broadband Wireless Access;Telecommunications Policy
Issue Date: 2006
Abstract: 隨著資訊時代的來臨,人們期待能隨時隨地快速收發資訊,促使無線網路技術蓬勃發展。WiMAX是以IEEE 802.16標準為基礎的無線都會網路技術,其涵蓋範圍比Wi-Fi無線區域網路更廣,傳輸速度也比3G無線廣域網路更快。 本論文以WiMAX產業為研究背景,先探討WiMAX在無線網路技術的發展定位,觀察WiMAX標準與產品應用發展過程,並搜集各類產業資料與文獻,整理出WiMAX產業鏈的廠商動態與發展趨勢,藉此探討全球WiMAX的發展現況。本研究探討的角度包括技術、標準、成本、各國政府態度與頻譜規劃、營運模式等WiMAX本身面臨的瓶頸,更由技術面與市場面的角度探討WiMAX面對有線寬頻、Wi-Fi、3G與3.5G的競爭挑戰與因應策略。 全球各大網通廠商與電信業者紛紛投入WiMAX市場,台灣政府將WiMAX推動計畫列為國家級計畫,從技術研發、產品製造至建置網路環境,企圖打造完整產業鏈,延續過去製造全球網通產品的龍頭地位,推升台灣新一波通訊產業的水準。本研究探討目前台灣WiMAX產業現況以及未來發展之機會與挑戰。WiMAX讓電信產業與網通產業的界限已逐漸模糊,引發電信廠商與網通廠商之競爭。以通訊產品製造起家的台灣,未來發展WiMAX擁有許多機會,但需政府與產業界共同克服挑戰。最後本研究也對台灣產官學界提出相關建議,期望能提升台灣WiMAX產業整體競爭力。
In the Information Age, the need to rapidly send and receive information in any place, at any time is becoming popular. WiMAX is the latest wireless technology that utilizes the IEEE 802.16 protocol as its foundation. Its coverage is broader than the Wi-Fi network, and its transmission speed is faster than the 3G wireless network. This thesis examined the WiMAX technology, standards, applications, industry structure and the current state of the global WiMAX development. This study went on discussing several potential bottlenecks faced by WiMAX, encompassing areas such as skills, standards, costs, government policies, spectrum allocation, and operations management. Finally, this study examined, from both technical and economic perspectives, the competition challenges facing WiMAX posed by landline broadband technology such as ADSL, Wi-Fi, 3G and 3.5G. The Taiwanese Government has made the rolling-out of WiMAX a project of national importance. Assisting policies cover areas including technology research, product development, as well as network infrastructure building. This study explored the current status of the WiMAX development in Taiwan and its future opportunities and challenges.
Appears in Collections:Thesis