標題: 台商在印尼投資之研究
A Study of Taiwan's Investment in Indonesia
作者: 羅慧麗
Hsiao-Cheng Yu
關鍵字: 印尼;台商;對外投資;Indonesia;Taiwanese Investors;FDI(Foreign Direct Investment)
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 印尼是東協四國中面積最大、人口最多的國家,擁有豐富的天然資源及廉價勞動力,一般均看好未來發展潛力。引起台灣各界重新重視在印尼貿易與投資之商機。 印尼政府為吸引更多投資,提高經濟成長、增加就業機會、正積極改善外人投資之措施。 本研究首先介紹印尼之投資環境,說明印尼自然、地理環境以及印尼目前之經濟狀況與產業發展,尤其在投資貿易方面政府為了吸引外人投資所制訂的各種措施方案。 本研究在第三、四章歸類出印尼投資環境與市場發展之前景、說明印尼當前經濟與現況、一一分析適合投資之主要產業跟地區,也探討台灣與印尼雙邊貿易關係。 本研究最後採取個案分析法,籍由個案深度訪談,及相關實證文獻分析等方式,探討台商到印尼投資之因素、經營策略、發展遭遇到之困境、解決方法及未來發展機會。
Indonesia has abundant natural and human resources which has attracted foreign investment and international trade activities. Indonesian government has adopted investment-friendly policy measures in an attempt to facilitate economic growth. This paper started with the analysis investment environment, explained the natural resources, geographic environment, and these days’ economic and industrial development of Indonesia. Particularly in trading and investment aspects, Indonesian government has set up the new measurement to attract foreign investors. In particular, chapter III and chapter IV provides background information about Indonesia’s economic potentials particularly rich potential areas and current condition of Indonesian market for Taiwanese investments. Then it analyzed one by one about the industry and area that suits for investors. It also conferred direct bilateral economic and trading relations between the two countries in general. This chapter finally used case study, conducts in-depth interviews, and uses relevant and documents to identify current and potential problems inimical for healthy and strong trading relations, and to recommend possible solutions for these problems. This paper also conferred the factors of Taiwan investor to make investment, manage strategy, and expand experience of some problems and offer the possible solution to improve the opportunity of trading and investment activities in Indonesia.


  1. 552901.pdf
  2. 552902.pdf

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