Title: | 整合新式多評準決策模式建構科技產業之評估模式與發展策略 Integrating the novel MCDM techniques for strategy improvement of technology industry |
Authors: | 林家立 Lin, Chia-Li 曾國雄 Tzeng, Gwo-Hshiung 科技管理研究所 |
Keywords: | 新式多評準決策模式;科技(科技)園區;車載資通訊系統;音樂服務平台;DEMATEL;PCA;ANP;TOPSIS;VIKOR;Novel MCDM approach;Science (technology) park;Vehicle telematics system;Service platform of digital music;DEMATEL;PCA;ANP;TOPSIS;VIKOR |
Issue Date: | 2008 |
Abstract: | 本研究主要以三個實證研究來說明如何運用新式多評準決策與網路結構關聯圖技術來解決科技產業的產業評估與發展策略議題,本研究透過整合結構關聯與權重技法來建構改善策略圖,以達新世代最佳價值創造典範。
在廠商區位選擇與園區發展策略研究中,在全球化效應影響下,企業必須因應市場環境的改變而在世界各地找尋合適的生產、研發與行銷群聚之據點,也造就了各種類型的產業聚落形成;因此本研究欲探討企業在全球化的過程中究竟依據哪些因素(準則)以及那種方式來評估其生產、研發與行銷群聚據點的選取,以及園區開發與管理當局應該採取何種發展策略與經營模式來提升科學(科技)園區價值創造功能,故本研究對於不同類型的產業群聚結構進行比較分析,運用決策試驗與實驗評估法(Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory, DEMATEL)來建立產業群聚結構,並利用人力資源、技術資源、投資環境與市場發展之四個群聚形成構面與28個評估準則來找出群聚形成原因,接著以台灣北部兩個著名的產業群聚實例來說明與驗證本研究之論證,在台灣北部從內湖到新竹有很多國際知名的資訊科技廠商群聚,最為著名的兩個產業聚落是內湖科技工業園區與新竹科學工業園區,內湖科技工業園區是以研發與行銷廠商(單位)為主的產業群聚,而新竹科學工業園區則是以生產與製造(單位)為主的產業群聚,本研究運用DEMATEL的研究模式來找出園區價值創造評估準則之間的關聯性並建構出產業群聚價值創造結構,透過分析產業群聚價值創造結構可以讓園區開發與管理當局了解產業聚落形成的原因與過程,進而可運用這些關係結構來找出關鍵的影響準則並加以改善。藉由本研究可以協助園區開發業者與園區管理當局提高科學(科技)園區價值創造功能,也有助於擬定園區整體發展策略與相關經營方針。
在車載資通訊系統的系統發展策略研究中,隨著資通訊科技的快速進步與滿足消費者的需求,結合資通訊科技與車輛技術的車載資通訊系統(Telematics system, TS)便油然而生,使汽車成為多功能行動服務平台,除了核心運輸價值之外,增添了導航、安全、保全、資訊、通訊、娛樂等附加價值,讓使用者可以透過TS系統來與支援中心(Call center)聯絡,取得所需的服務與資訊,提高其使用的便利性,也確保在適度監控下,車輛操作能夠更安全。因此如何發展出符合使用者需求的TS系統已成為車廠最關心的議題,因為攸關汽車銷售業績,更直接影響到加值服務市場規模。故本研究想找出新e世代車TS系統該提供那些功能,同時瞭解不同屬性的使用者對TS系統的需求差異,之後再依據不同的消費者屬性來規劃新e世代TS系統的功能組合。本研究以導航與地圖服務、安全與保全服務、資訊與系統服務、影音與娛樂服務、費率與付款方式、產品形象之六個評估構面以及25個評估準則來找出使用者對於新e世代車載資通訊服務系統之需求,並利用DEMATEL法找出構面間準則關聯結構(relation structure),並利用ANP 法來找出權重關係,並以TOPSIS法評估各種類型車載資通訊系統距離的落差,依據客戶屬性來找出其對各種TS系統的偏好,以此來提供車載資通訊系統服務供應商(Telemetics Service Provider, TSP)相關改善策略以創造最大的客戶價值。
在數位音樂服務平台發展策略研究中,隨著音樂數位化技術的普及化與音樂儲存播放裝置的微型化,傳統以唱片型式的儲存方式逐漸被數位儲存裝置所取代,音樂的傳播已不再倚賴唱片,反而是由網站下載或是直接線上收聽,讓音樂隨身攜帶的現象越來越普遍。由於音樂網站的普及以及服務模式的多元化,從網路上取得數位音樂非常容易,然而相對於此,實體CD的銷售卻節節下降,唱片公司如何在版權保護與服務擴散間取得平衡發展是目前亟欲面對的挑戰。而在近幾年透過音樂網站提供數位音樂服務的營收呈倍數成長,唱片出版商在數位音樂中看到新的獲利模式,然而從在實體轉換到數位的線上音樂平台應該提供什麼樣的服務與功能才能創造價值以滿足消費者需求,為企業增加營收呢?本研究試圖由解構音樂服務對消費者所創造的價值為出發點,試圖為唱片公司找出一些可行的市場發展策略與經營模式。藉由探求消費者對音樂服務的需求動機以找出消費者對音樂服務的評選準則,透過平台構面關聯圖的建構來分析準則關聯結構,其次運用主成份分析來將準則依其屬性加以分類,運用多評準決策評估模式來找出減少服務落差的服務創新策略,並以此擬出合適的產業發展方向。因此本研究係藉由音樂服務創新策略的擬定來加速數位音樂服務平台的功能與價值提升,進一步帶動產業服務品質的全面改善與加速音樂內容價值創造的契機。 The research shows the novel MCDM method and explains the process of network relation map (NRM) by three empirical real cases of industrial evaluation and development strategy issues for technology industry. The study combined a novel MCDM with structure-relation and weighting techniques for building improvement strategies-map to achieve the best value-created paradigm of enterprise in new generation. In the research, the value-created systems of science (technology) parks are proposed. Under the impact of globalization effects, enterprises tackle the rapid change of market circumstances and find suitable places for production, R&D and marketing, which contribute to the creation of clusters of various industries. In this study, we differentiate the decisive factors effecting enterprises in choosing the right places for production, R&D and marketing. We also provide proposed development strategies and operation models for the authorities of science (technology) park to advance the parks’ value. This study compares various industrial clusters using the DEMATEL (Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory) technique to establish industrial structures. To do this, four aspects are considered: human resources, technology resources, invest environments and market development. These aspects encompass 28 evaluation criteria to determine the establishment attributes of clusters. Two well-known industrial cluster parks, the Neihu technology park and the Hsinchu science park as example, both in Northern Taiwan, are our case studies for this project. The Neihu technology park is the industrial cluster of R&D and marketing. The Hsinchu science park is the industrial cluster of production and manufacture. The DEMATEL technique is used to determine the relationship between the evaluation criteria and establish their value structures. The key performance criteria could be sieved out and shall be further improved. The conclusions shall propose development strategies and operation models for vendors or the authorities of science (technology) parks to advance the parks’ value. In the research, the improvement strategy for vehicle telematics system is proposed. As the advanced integration of communications, information and vehicle technologies, VTS (Vehicle Telematics Systems, VTS), have been initiated for satisfying consumers’ needs with respect to automobile movement. Importantly, VTS enables the vehicle to become a multi-functional mobile-services platform. Cars are now designed not only for transportation, but also to provide value-added services covering navigation, safety, security, information, communications and entertainment. Drivers or passengers can contact a call center via VTS to access aspired/desired services and information online. Therefore, VTS increases both the utility/functions and the safety of driving. Developing the optimal VTS that complies with consumers’ needs has become the foremost concern of automobile producers. This study will attempt to identify the required VTS utilities between distinguishing characteristics/features of consumers and propose the ideal service combinations for the next e-era generation VTS. An evaluating model by six aspects to be considered/constructed, which encompass twenty-five criteria are built to identify consumers’ needs for the next e-era generation VTS. The DEMATEL (Decision-Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory, DEMATEL) is used to contract the network relation-map (NRM) among the criteria of each aspect. Additionally, the ANP (Analytical Network Procedure, ANP) is used to determine the relative weightings among those criteria according to NRM. Moreover, the TOPSIS (Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution, TOPSIS) is used to determine and improve the gaps among the distinguishing characteristics/features of consumers’ desired utilities with respect to services/provide the decision-maker of TSP for improving existing functions or planning further utilities in the next generation VTS. Based on above NRM those results can be served as a suggestion for the TSP (Telemetics Service Provider, TSP) to improve the existing functions or plan further utilities/functions for reducing the gaps and satisfying the users’ needs in next e-era generation VTS. In the research, the service selection model of service platform of digital music is proposed. The digital music service has been expanded wildly. The number of people purchasing music downloads are on the rise. Digital music files (mainly in MP3 format) have become widespread on the internet. However, downloading digital product for free may harm creators and music publishers because it is very easy to obtain free-music through peer-to-peer sharing technologies over the internet. At the same time, portable entertainment devices and mobile phones are now able to carry music files, leading people to access music much more easily. On the other hand, with the coming of the 3.5G in telecom infrastructure, the rise in downloading music using mobile devices becomes possible. People can access online-music service platforms either through cable/ADSL with their PCs or through telecom services accompanying with their mobile devices. Therefore, a critical issue for the records publisher or digital music service provider is now how to provide services to create values as well as to fulfill customers’ needs. By discovering the customers’ needs and intentions of the music service, this study concludes the selection criteria for customers to evaluate and select music services. A novel MCDM (Multiple Criteria Decision Making) technique, which integrates the four MCDM technique (Decision-making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory, DEMATEL; Principal Component Analysis, PCA; Analytical Network Procedure, ANP; and VlseKriterijumska Optimizacija I Kompromisno Resenje, VIKOR), and applied to rank and improve the four digital music service platforms for getting the best win-win service selection.. This paper will propose the key driving aspect of four service platforms of digital music and rank them by using the model proposed. Not only can the conclusions be served as some suggestions for service providers to improve existing functions but also to plan further utilities for service platform of digital music in the next generation. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/81748 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |
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