DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorYueh-Chen Laien_US
dc.contributor.authorTai-Sheng Huangen_US
dc.description.abstract為了提升都市大眾運輸系統之服務水準與服務品質,一般皆以引進捷運系統為主要考量,因其具有完全專用路權、運量大、班次密集、速度快、服務水準高等特性,但因捷運系統興建及營運成本龐大,中小型都市在財政上是無法負荷,特別是在目前國內政府財政拮倨情況下。依文獻得之,公車捷運系統的建設與運轉費用平均而言較輕軌系統便宜,且可帶來許多效益,故目前國際上多以公車捷運系統來提供服務,使在成本不高情形下滿足該地區民眾之運輸需求,所以越來越多國家均積極推動建置中。反觀國內而言,目前僅在高速鐵路嘉義太保站聯外道路推動興建公車捷運系統,但其推動上卻是困難重重,似乎並不成功,若是能探討出適用公車捷運系統的條件究竟為何,應能提供台灣各地區在建置公車捷運系統時之參考。 依文獻本研究公車捷運系統之應用型式採都市型及接駁型兩類型,且再細分為簡易型和完備型,但其基本應用型態均為走廊之服務方式,此外,公車捷運系統之適用條件即指適於公車捷運系統使用之走廊特性,包含走廊長度、走廊發展強度及走廊既有運輸服務之供應狀況。在營運收入可以平衡建造成本和營運成本前提下,建立本研究公車捷運系統適用條件分析模式,藉模式依都市型或接駁型之運用狀況,分析在不同走廊長度下,達成簡易型或完備型公車捷運系統運用其營收大於等於成本之費率與運量組合。最後,本研究在分析模式中亦將考量補貼對公車捷運系統之適用條件之影響。 由分析結果可知,當無任何補貼情形下,運用同一型式之公車捷運系統,如都市簡易型,當路線長度5公里,0.9、1、1.1倍票價之所需運量需3482、2921、2612人次/日,15公里時所需運量需提升至26717、17278、13414人次/日,故可知路線越長所需運量也越大、票價亦要越高,才能使營運收入平衡成本支出;此外,在相同之情境,有補貼與沒補貼相比較下,路線長度5公里,0.9、1、1.1倍票價之所需運量僅需549、519、472人次/日,故可知在有補貼時所需條件要求降低許多,所以補貼對公車捷運系統適用條件有明顯之影響。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn order to upgrade the service quality and standard in the metropolitan area, the government usually takes mass transportation systems into consideration. Characteristics of such systems include exclusive land rights, high capacities, high frequencies, high speed, and good service standards. Smaller cities usually cannot afford such systems because of the large construction and operation costs, especially now that the government is in an unstable financial situation. The Bus Rapid Transit System has many benefits and is less expensive than the Light Trail Transit System. Therefore, the Bus Rapid Transit System is becoming more popular in the international arena by satisfying the public transportation demand. There is only one Bus Rapid Transit System in the country, which connects Chia-Yi and the High Speed Rail station in Tai-boo. However, it has encountered many hardships during the implementation process. Our research tries to determine the suitable qualifications and conditions that could serve as reference during the construction period. Our research adapts city-type and shuttle-type system, which are more specifically divided into simple-type and full-type systems. However, all basic-systems belong to the corridor system condition. Furthermore, the suitable corridor conditions and characteristics for the Bus Rapid Transit System include corridor length, development process, and traffic service conditions. Under the circumstance in which revenue is able to balance the construction and operation costs, this research tries to evaluate the Bus Rapid Transit System model in the city-type and shuttle-type condition. The relationship between the different corridor lengths and their respective revenues is analyzed. We are interested in whether the revenue is larger than or equal to the cost rate and capacity combination. Finally, our research also takes into consideration the impacts caused by subsidies. Form conclusions, we can know that with same bus rapid transit system type without subsidies condition, taking city-type for example, when the road length is 5km, the traffic capacity on 0.9, 1.0, 1.1 times of the price, the demand requires 3482、2921、2612 people individually. And when the road length ups to 15km , the demand requires 26717、17278、13414 people individually. As a result, we can see when the length is longer, the traffic demand and price is higher. In addition, with the same situation with subsidies, when the road length is 5km, the traffic capacity on 0.9, 1.0, 1.1 times of the price, the demand requires 549、519、472 people individually. From above mention, we can get conclusions that the require condition will lower the demand when there is subsidies existing. Therefore, we can say that subsidies have impacted in bus rapid transit system obviously.en_US
dc.subjectBus Rapid Transit Systemen_US
dc.subjectApplication Taypesen_US
dc.subjectSuitable Conditionsen_US
dc.titleA Study on the Suitable Conditions for Bus Rapid Transit Systemen_US