Title: 價格折扣下零售商之補貨策略與和供應商簽訂契約之影響
The Retailer's Inventory Policy under the Price Discount, and the Impact for the Retailer to Sign the Contract with the Supplier
Authors: 林俊瑋
Chun-Wei Lin
Jiuh-Biing Sheu
Keywords: 價格折扣;供應鏈管理;補貨政策;收益共享契約;Price discount;Supply chain management;Inventory policy;Revenue sharing contract
Issue Date: 2006
Abstract: 價格折扣是一種現今時常見到的促銷方式之ㄧ,供應商提供臨時且維持一段時間的價格優惠予零售商,零售商則將此一優惠部分轉嫁給最末端消費者,來提升銷售量,達到預期的銷售目標,賺取更高的利潤。
Price discount is one of the popular promotion ways in recent years. Suppliers offer temporary price reductions to retailers and the reductions last for some finite time. Retailers pass this giveback on to the end customers in order to achieve the anticipative sales goals and earn more profit.
When retailers provide the price reductions, the customers’ demand will change. Retailers must use the data of sales and stock during the price discount to plan for the ordering and inventory policy, in order to prevent the cost become too high resulting from too many inventories, or the goodwill loss resulting from the insufficient inventory. Nowadays, it is more general for supply chain to sign the contract in order to coordinate all the members. The revenue sharing contract is one of the useful contracts between suppliers and retailers. A supplier offers a lower wholesale price to a retailer to exchange for a percentage of the total revenue to increase the performance of the supply chain.
This research is to formulate the above situation. First of all, the retailer’s objective function of profit will be formed to obtain the optimal ordering frequency and the sale price. Second, the objective function of the profit after signing the revenue sharing contract will be formed. Then the discussion of the wholesale price and the percentage of the total sharing revenue, and the difference without the contract will be showed.
It is showed that retailers can raise profit by price discount. Suppliers can share the revenue and prevent loss by signing a revenue sharing contract. In general, both sides can benefit from price discount. The total profit will be higher if the revenue sharing contract is signed. When both sides have the same objective on profit, the total profit will be even higher than with different objectives.
Appears in Collections:Thesis