標題: Coagulation dynamics of fractal flocs induced by enmeshment and electrostatic patch mechanisms
作者: Lin, Jr-Lin
Huang, Chihpin
Chin, Ching-Ju M.
Pan, Jill R.
Institute of Environmental Engineering
Department of Biological Science and Technology
關鍵字: PACl;Coagulation;Kaolin aggregates;Fractal dimension;Wet SEM
公開日期: 1-十一月-2008
摘要: The size and structure of flocs during floc formation were monitored for various coagulation mechanisms. Two distinctive mechanisms, namely, enmeshment and electrostatic patch, govern the dynamics of kaolin particles coagulation by polyaluminurn. chloride (PACl). They were investigated by small angle static light scattering (SASLS) and solid-state Al-27 NMR. In addition, a novel wet SEM (WSEM) was used in-situ to image the morphology of the aggregate in aqueous solution. Synthetic suspended particles were coagulated by two PACl products, a commercial product (PACl) and one laboratory product (PACl-E). The PACl-E contained more than 60% Al-13 while the PACI contained only 7% Al-13, with large percentage of colloidal Al. For coagulation by PACI at neutral pH and high dosage where the strong repulsion between particles occurs, the enmeshment ruled by reaction-limited aggregation (RLA) results in larger sweep flocs as well as higher fractal dimensional structure. For coagulation by PACl-E at alkaline pH and low dosage, the flocs were coagulated predominately by electrostatic patch with Al-13 aggregates. At such condition, it is likely that diffusion-limited aggregation (DLA) predominately rule PACl-E coagulation. The fractal dimension (D-s) values of PACl and PACl-E flocs formed at enmeshment and electrostatic patch increased with dosage, respectively. When breakage of flocs occurs, the breakage rate of PACI-E flocs is slower than that of sweep flocs. By WSEM imaging, the adsorption of spherical Al precipitates onto the particles was observed to form sweep flocs with a rough and ragged contour, while the PACI-E flocs were formed with a smooth and glossy structure. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.watres.2008.07.043
ISSN: 0043-1354
DOI: 10.1016/j.watres.2008.07.043
Volume: 42
Issue: 17
起始頁: 4457
結束頁: 4466


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