標題: 網路廣告與部落格之整合傳播效果研究:來源關係、產品類型之探討
The Integrated Communication Effect of Web Advertisement and Blog :The Discussion of Information Source and Product Type
作者: 許恆豪
Leon Hsu
Yuhmiin Chang
關鍵字: 整合行銷傳播;網路廣告;部落格;消息來源;產品類別;IMC;Web Advertisement;Blog;Information Source;Product Type
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 部落格行銷近來成為網路行銷的新趨勢,不論是官方商業部落格或是第三方的達人部落格,其數量都與日俱增。消費者於網路上找尋產品的相關資料時,除了一般的網路廣告外,這些部落格的訊息及網路口碑,儼然成為一股新的傳播力量,而網路廣告和網路部落格的相互搭配效果,更是急需探究的重要課題。 本研究試以網路資訊搜尋為情境,探討消費者在網路上面對不同來源的傳播訊息、以及將產品視為不同類別時,態度上的差異。因此,以訊息來源關係類型(獨立、相依)、消費者判斷產品類別(將產品視為搜尋品、將產品視為經驗品)為自變項,最終生成態度(對消息來源態度、產品態度、品牌態度)為依變項,採用2X2的獨立樣本方式,進行線上實驗研究。 研究結果發現,不同訊息來源關係和不同產品類別並未產生交互作用。且由各變項的單純主效果來看,不同來源的訊息以及不同產品類別,其最終態度皆未出現顯著的差異,代表行銷活動上使用網路廣告搭配官方商業部落格,或是網路廣告搭配第三方達人型部落格,對兩種類型的消費者之態度,並不會有顯著的差別。
Recently, blog Marketing has become one of the new trends in web marketing. There are great amount of official blogs and expert blogs increasing. When consumers search information on the internet, the information and word-of-mouth from blogs become more important for them, besides web advertising. The integrated effect of web advertisement and blog, is the important issue to investigate. This research simulates the situation of online information search, to discuss when consumer receive different source of information, and to face different type of product, their difference in attitude. With the information source(independence/dependence), the product type (search product/experience product) as the independent variables as well as the final attitude(the attitude toward information source, product, and brand)as dependent variables, an online experiment employing 2x2 factorial design is applied to analysize the results. The finding shows that there are no interaction effect between different information source and different product type, and the main effects of information source and product type are not significant, either. These results represent that there are no significant difference when two types of consumer receive information from web advertisement and official blog, or web advertisement and expert blog in marketing campaign.


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