標題: 延續
作者: 汪柏成
Wang, Po-Cheng
關鍵字: 延續;生命能量;extend;living Energy;life
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 延續( extend )是一個來自非建築系背景(雕塑)的 汪柏成,在經過建築殿堂的浸潤的過程中,檢視 並整合兩種專業。建築的生產是從創意到服務到 執行的旅行,如何延續旅行的熱情直到最後;現 在才正開始。 延續( extend )是象徵,也是創作手法 : 從設計初 階段發生的任何現象甚或部件,觀察其歷史進而 從線索中逐地分析其可被發展的機會,到空間生 產的階段加入基地條件後產生為融合美學,力學 及社會學的作品。 "Duck’s Happy Place"是將原先的地景做為底圖 ,進行縫合原本不合理的景觀以及動線上的計畫 。將校園中重要的水紋整合,同時延伸原來的植 栽計畫,將原本被擠壓的禽類生活空間拉回到與 人類生活空間相同的品質。 "Green Light"最有趣的就是從都市中搜尋"現象"開 始:可能是建築構件,是一個事件,是一種生態; 去認識我們找到的部分,將其延伸演化成生產單 元,接著將一組6個人分析的部件置入基地互相擾 動,定義基地中能被討論的新議題。 "Shockproof Core"將重點放在木構造的合理構築 與木構造創新之間的平衡;以達震災區重建安全建 物之範例。 依據馬爾康的氣候,地震及風力的影響創造出橢 圓型的結構物,立面上創造特定的斜率來柔性抵 抗風壓,並利用這個斜率裝設太陽能光電板及強 化導水功能。 "Cortex"是經由都市中的物件觀察,進行尺度或物 理現象的分析。透過階段性的延伸與抽象物件的 本質使得最後設計被放進基地時有更多空間及機 能層次的表現。
Extend” comes from my background of scul- pture, examine and integrate two specialties during the infiltration of architecture palace. Architecture life is a trip from originality th- rough service to execution, how to extend the passion of the trip till the end; now it's just the beginning. “Extend” is a symbol, also a creative tech- nique: observe the history of any phenomenon even component occur at the beginning of de- sign, analyze the opportunities of developme- nt from clues, add in the base conditions dur- ing the stage of space production, bring forth the pieces integrating with esthetics, mechanics and sociology. “Duck's Happy Place” is a project that takes the original landscape as the base map and links up the unreasonable scape and circulation. Integrating the hydrology of the campus, exte- nding the plant to raise the compressed birds liv- ing space to the same quality of human living space. “Green Light” starts from searching “pheno- menon” in Urban: it might be a component, an event or ecology; to recognize the parts we found, extend them into one unit, and put the components analyzed by six persons into base to disturb each other. “Shockproof Core” emphasizes the balance between the reasonable construction of wooden structure and the innovation of wooden structure, to reach the models of rebuild safe architectures in earthquake disaster area. “Cortex” is the analysis of scale or physics phenomenon through the observation of the ob- jects in urban. Through phasis extension and the essence of abstract objects, the final design will have more expressions about space and function when it's put into the foundation.


  1. 752001.pdf
  2. 752002.pdf

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