標題: 探討數位論證學習課程對中學生科學概念建構與論證能力之影響
Explore the impacts on middle school students’ scientific concepts construction and argumentation ability through the use of a web-based argumentation learning program
作者: 陳倩嫻
Chien-Hsien Chen
Hsiao-Ching She
關鍵字: 論證;概念建構;科學推理;數位學習;argumentation;concepts construction;scientific reasoning;web-based learning
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 本研究目的是探討數位論證學習課程,對於國中生科學概念的建構、論證能力以及科學推理能力之影響。研究實驗組學生透過數位論證學習課程後與對照組傳統教學學生在概念建構、論證能力與科學推理能力的差異。同時針對實驗組學生的學習歷程與論證內容進行分析,以深入了解學生在數位論證學習課程中概念建構以及論證品質與本質成長的情形。 研究採用實驗研究法之準實驗設計,研究對象為常態分班的國中二年級學生四個班,其中兩班實驗組74 人,兩班對照組76 人。實驗組進行一學期七個主題共約二十五堂課的數位論證學習課程與對照組進行傳統教學模式進行概念建構教學,比較兩組學生在理化二階層概念測驗、主題相依論證能力測驗與科學推理測驗的差異。並同時針對實驗組學生在數位論證課程的個人概念正確性、論證概念正確性、論證要素分類正確性、論證要素完整性以及參予論證與各論證要素的使用頻率進行分析。 結果顯示實驗組相較於對照組在經過一學期數位論證學習課程後,在理化二階層概念測驗、主題相依論證測驗與科學推理測驗均有更好的學習成效。顯示數位論證學習課程有助於學生概念建構、論證能力與推理能力的增進。 另外針對實驗組在數位論證課程的學習歷程進行分析,結果呈現大多數學生在數位論證學習課程前後個人概念與論證內容概念的正確性均有顯著成長,顯示透過此課程學生可以有效建構正確概念。分析參與論證的總次數以及各論證要素,結果呈現經過一學期的數位論證學習課程,不論在論證總次數或是論證各要素均有顯著的增加,顯示學習者的論證本質有所成長。再分析論證要素分類正確性與論證要素完整性,在主題一到主題七之間有明顯的增加,顯示學習者的論證品質在數位論證學習課程中有成長。從論證內容的質性資料看到學習者可以確實針對課程主題概念進行論證,顯示數位論證學習課程可以確實提供學習社會建構環境,並促使學生可針對課程概念進行深入的論證與概念建構。 本研究顯示數位論證學習課程可有效提升概念建構、主題相依論證能力與科學推理能力以及論證本質與品質。
The purpose of this study was to explore the impacts on middle school students’scientific concepts’ construction and argumentation ability through the use of a web-based argumentation learning program. The quasi-experimentaldesign was used in this study. There are four classes of 8th grade students from a middle school involved in this study. Two classes of students received web-based argumentation learning program (experimental group) for a semester (about 25 classes periods, each period is about 45 minutes), and the other two classes of students received traditional instruction (control group). All of the students received scientific reasoning test, two-tier physical science test, and content-dependent argumentation test before and after learning. In addition, the qualitative data of the students’ learning at the web also were collected. Results showed that experimental group’ students significantly outperform than the control group, regardless of scientific reasoning test, two-tier physical science test, and content-dependent argumentation test. The qualitative data of the web-based argumentation showed that students’ scientific conceptions made progress from preto post-web questions across seven units. The frequency of students’ participation in the web argumentation also increased across the seven units. Moreover, students’ use of argumentation components all increased across seven units, regardless of data, claim, warrant, rebuttal, and backing. It clearly demonstrates that students’ scientific reasoning ability, argumentation ability and concept construction all can be promoted throughout the web-based argumentation learning program.


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