Title: 運用眼動儀探討不同學科背景大學生之細胞擴散和滲透作用的心智表徵建構
Explore the Effects of Different Background Undergraduate Student’s Construction of Mental Representation on Diffusion and Osmosis Through the Use of Eye-tracker
Authors: 張格瑜
Ger-Yu Chang
Hsiao-Ching She
Keywords: 細胞擴散與滲透作用;眼球儀;概念建構;注意力;Diffusion and Osmosis;Eye-tracker;Concept Construction;Attention
Issue Date: 2007
Abstract: 本研究主要目的為探討細胞擴散和滲透作用概念之網路多媒體動畫對學科背景不同大學生的概念改變學習成效,並且運用眼球儀 (Eye-tracker)蒐集眼動資料,進而瞭解其眼動與概念建構間的關係。 研究對象為74位大學生,依研究設計分為三組,生物學科相關背景25人、理工學科相關背景25人與人文學科相關背景24人。研究結果顯示不同學科背景的大學生在教學前對細胞擴散和滲透作用概念有顯著差異,而教學後三組大學生的細胞擴散和滲透作用概念都顯著優於教學前,而且沒有達顯著差異,表示網路動畫教學有助於細胞擴散和滲透作用概念的建立。從眼動資料發現,理工和生物學科相關背景大學生注視在關鍵區凝視點平均時間較長,生物學科相關背景大學生的視線軌跡大部分的時間都在觀看關鍵區,有時候會觀看文字區;理工學科相關背景大學生的視線軌跡大部分的時間都在觀看動畫區和關鍵區;人文學科相關背景大學生的視線軌跡大部分的時間都在觀看文字區和關鍵區的文字部分。本研究證明了不同學科背景的大學生其眼球注意力分佈與其概念之建構有密切的關係。另外,在工作記憶測驗的研究顯示,認知短期記憶測驗和開放式問題的前測和後測有顯著相關。
ABSTRACT The purpose of this research was to investigate the effects of multimedia learning on student's learning of diffusion and osmosis, in addition, eye-tracker was used to collect data of student's eye movement behavior. It is hoping to explore the relationships between student's concept construction and their eye movement behavior. There are 74 undergraduates from a university located at north part of Taiwan who major in biology (25), science engineering (25) and social science (24). Results showed a significant difference existed in their beginning conception of diffusion and osmosis. After multimedia learning, the three group’s students made significant progress. Students’ major in biology and science engineering usually had greater mean fixation duration on special areas. The students’ major in biology focused more on special areas and sometimes on some text areas; the students’ major in science engineering focused more on special areas and animation areas; the students’ major in social science focused more on special areas and text areas. This study demonstrated students who received higher scores on the scientific conceptions would have greater mean fixation at the special areas. In addition, students’ cognitive working memory score is correlated with their pre-test and post-test score of the open-ended questions.
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