標題: SecCap:自動化個人文件安全系統.使用智慧卡認証
SecCap:Automatically Securing Personal Documents with Smartcard Authentication
作者: 陳癸夫
Kuei-Fu Chen
Wuu Yang
關鍵字: 文件安全;document security
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 文件安全是現今個人電腦上一項很重要的課題。根據統計數字顯示[25],全球高達92%的終端使用者皆使用Microsoft Windows作業系統,其中亦有90%的使用者不會將電腦內部的私人機密文件進行加密保護。超過80%的安全威脅來自企業內部[20],若有心想竊盜資料的攻擊者可取得該電腦實體,所有未加密的文件將不保。 使用者不將私人機密文件進行加密的原因,主要是他認為手動對其加解密需多幾道繁雜的手續,或是不了解加密保護的重要性。 有鑑於此,在這篇論文當中,我們提出了一個軟體系統:SecCap,建構於NTFS檔案系統、Windows使用者與金鑰管理之上,透過智慧卡做個人身份辨認與驗証,在可接受的效能負擔下對私人機密文件進行自動化加解密。主要是希望能解決以上問題,讓使用者能更容易地達到個人文件安全的目地。
Document security is now an important issue on personal computer. According to the statistics show[25], as high as 92% of end-users are using Microsoft Windows operating system of the world. In which, 90% of users will not encrypt to protect their confidential documents in their computers. More than 80% of security threats are issued from internal of company[20]. If the attacker, who think to steal data, can obtain the computer entity, all unencrypted documents are exposed. The user will not encrypt his confidential documents because he thinks it needs more complex procedure to encrypt them manually, or does not understand the importance of encryption protection. In view of this, in this paper, we propose a software system: SecCap, which is based on NTFS file system, Windows user and key management. SecCap authenticates the user by smartcard, and automatically encrypts the confidential documents with acceptable overhead. This is the main hope to solve above problem, so that users can more easily reach to goal of personal document security.
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