標題: 磁核共振影像之腎功能
The study of kidney function in MRI scans
作者: 黃怡敏
Yi-Min Huang
Yu-Tai Ching
關鍵字: 腎功能;磁核共振影像;影像匹配;kidney function;MRI;image matching
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 磁核共振造影可以提供影像比較好的空間解析度與時間解析度,是目前計算腎功能的新方法,而計算腎功能時需要皮質的遮罩以及皮質範圍的灰階值變化,因拍攝時腎臟會隨著呼吸而上下移動,所以我們將分別利用兩種方法將兩兩相鄰的影像的皮質部份做校正,之後比較這兩種方法它們之間的優缺點,然後利用半自動的方式找到皮質的部份,最後利用電腦協助計算出腎功能;此外,我們再將計算出來的腎功能與放射科醫生所計算的值做比較,接著再與利用核子醫學所算出來的腎功能做比較,並探討它們之間什麼情況之下會有不同的結果。
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a new approach at present for calculation of kidney function by providing better Spatial Resolution and Temporal Resolution. The calculation of kidney function needs the cortex mask and the change of grayscale value in cortex. Due to the reciprocation of kidney with respiration, we use two approaches respectively to align the region of cortex in each pair of contiguous images and compare the advantage and drawback between the two approaches. After that we use a semi-automatic method to find out the cortex. Then, calculate the kidney function via computer. Furthermore, we compare the kidney functions calculated by our approach with those calculated by Radiologist. Finally, compare them with those calculated by Nuclear Medicine and discuss the situation causing different results.


  1. 754401.pdf

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