標題: 為投射神經在果蠅蕈狀體萼端建立座標系統之研究
Research on constructing coordinate system for projection neuron in Drosophila calyx
作者: 廖毅
關鍵字: 果蠅;蕈狀體;Drosopphila;Mushroom Body;Projection Neuron;Terminal Bouton
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 摘要       人類大腦的奧秘一直是各領域學者深感興趣的主題,因為大腦掌管了生命中許多重要的部份。果蠅腦研究更是現在研究大腦的熱門主題,因為果蠅有和人類類似的學習、記憶行為。目前果蠅的嗅覺神經網路前端已經有許多發現,但是更深入果蠅腦內部的區域卻仍然充滿了神秘色彩。我們的實驗資料來自清華大學江安世老師實驗室。利用他們清晰的果蠅腦部資料,我們使用主成分分析做迴歸去分析嗅覺投射神經。然後在果蠅腦的蕈狀體萼端定義一個座標系統,用以定位其軸突末梢的空間座標。經由我們的實驗,發現到大多數相同根源的投射神經的軸突末梢分佈有相似之處,希望我們的實驗可以帶來更多研究果蠅腦的想法。
ABSTRACT The secret of the human brain has been a topic that many scholars deeply interested in all the time, because the brain has been an important role in our whole life. Research on Drosophila brain is very popular now, because they have the same behavior, like learning, memory as human beings. Now there are many discoveries about the front olfactory neural network of Drosophila, but the deeper area is still mysterious. Our experimental data supplied by Dr. Chiang AS’s laboratory of Tsing Hua University. With the clear Drosophila brain data, we utilize Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to do regression for olfactory projection neuron (PN). Then, we construct a coordinate system for terminal bouton (TB) of PN in calyx of mushroom body (MB). We find out similar distributions for most homologous PNs through our experiments, and hope that it would bring more ideas for research on Drosophila brain.


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