Title: 以社會文化理論探討台灣地區大學生在線上同儕評改中的社會互動模式
Exploring Taiwanese College Students' Social Scaffolding Interaction in On-Line L2 Peer Revision through a Sociocultural Approach
Authors: 王信雲
Hsin-Yun Wang
Ching-Fen Chang
Keywords: 社會文化理論;線上同儕評改;語言認知調節階段;鷹架式協助;最大發展區;Sociocultural Theory;Online Peer Revision;cognitive stages of regulation;Scaffolding;Zone of Proximal Development; ZPD
Issue Date: 2007
Abstract: 中文摘要 過去數十年,同儕評改於第二語言寫作領域中已大量被討論及應用。值得注意的是,相關文獻多僅探討同儕評改之影響與效果。然而,極少研究將同儕評改視為一社會建構過程,因而忽略探討其社會文化層面。 本研究透過Vygotsky (1978) 的社會文化理論 (sociocultural theory) 檢視在為期一學期大學英語寫作課中的三次同儕評改活動。研究目的在於探索線上同儕評改中所產生的互動型態、參與者由語言認知調節階段 (cognitive stages of regulation) 中所呈現的社會關係、以及參與者所接受之協助及其認知調節階段之關係。研究資料收集自參與者進行同儕互評的即時通訊 (IM) 紀錄。研究者修改de Guerrero及Villamil (1994) 和 Wood、Bruner及Ross (1976) 所提出之基模,以將參與者的同儕互動種類、認知調節階段、社會關係、及鷹架式協助予以編碼及分類。 研究結果顯示,參與者在透過電腦為中介的同儕評改中,除了仍保有五種面對面溝通的互動模式,更創造出一種透過網路尋求協助的同儕互動形式。在此互動模式中,參與者藉由網路虛擬專家(如:線上字典、翻譯軟體)的協助,得以在認知階段上獲得成長及進行線上即時的評改討論。再者,參與者之間的社會互動關係不僅呈現出個人認知調節階段上的差異,更反映出同儕間的角色認知與其變動。另外,參與者所接受之協助及其認知階段間的高相關性,更凸顯出同儕可感知彼此最大發展區 (Zone of Proximal Development; ZPD) 並給予適當協助之能力。最後,本研究也呈現出網路溝通所帶來的社會文化影響、同步溝通的E化語言、以及不具鷹架式協助作用的同儕互動。依據研究結果,研究者也指出本研究之缺失,及提出針對英語教學上的應用與未來相關研究之建議。
Abstract Peer revision as an aid to process writing in the second language (L2) classroom has been amply discussed and employed in the past decades. As a complicated practice encompassing both cognitive and social aspects of language, yet it has mostly been explored for such cognitive issues as impact and effectiveness. Little literature has looked into its sociocultural dimension, in which peer revising behaviors, as one kind of language use and learning, are considered to be a socially constructed process of collaboration, interaction, and communication (Barnes, 1976; Cazden, 1988; Vygotsky, 1978). The study adopted Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory as the theoretical framework to examine three writing cycles of L2 peer revision sessions in an 18-week, college-level English writing course. A total of 20 pairs of the students were recruited as the target participants due to their rich and representative instant message (IM) protocols. To probe the nature of electronic peer interaction, the study aimed to explore three sociocultural dimensions of peer revision via an on-line medium – the types of interaction between members of a dyad, the kinds of social relationships from the participants’ cognitive stages of regulation, and the relationships between the participants’ cognitive status and their received scaffolding. Data were collected from instant conversation logs. The data were analyzed based on five coding schemes – four were adapted not only from those of de Guerrero and Villamil (1994) for types of episodes, types of on-task episodes, cognitive stages of regulation and social relationships, and the other one was adopted from Wood, Bruner, and Ross (1976) for scaffolding functions. The results showed that the peers, in addition to engaging in the five traditional revision episodes, would also create a new CMC facilitated interaction type, in which on-line sources might serve as virtual experts scaffolding to activate deeper communication and to move the peers forward to higher levels of cognitive stages. Moreover, the changing social relationships between the reviewers and reviewees revealed not only the peers’ symmetrical/asymmetrical cognitive status but also their dynamic role awareness and shift. Furthermore, the high correlation between the peers’ regulatory stages and the scaffolding received displayed the peers’ sensitiveness to each other’s ZPD. In addition to the three abovementioned findings, the social impacts of synchronous CMC, the electronic variety of language, and the non-scaffolding assistance were also found. Finally, pedagogical suggestions were provided.
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