DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorChin-Fa Yangen_US
dc.contributor.authorPo-Young Chuen_US
dc.description.abstract我國筆記型電腦產業的產值占全球的70%以上,其中代工訂單佔95%,在激烈的市場競爭下,代工製造商處於消費者、品牌大廠及同業的削價競爭之間,毛利不斷受到壓縮,已進入微利時代,因此專注品牌行銷或許是台灣產業可以思考的藍海策略之一。 宏□自1976年創立以來堅持自有品牌,初期以代工扶植品牌,其企業成長的歷程,隨著規模版圖的擴張,在各個發展階段中遭遇到不同的瓶頸及困難,在創辦人施振榮先生帶領下,在不同階段進行改造,施振榮先生洞悉產經脈動在2000~2001年進行關鍵性的改造-品牌與代工分割,從此宏□正式蛻變為專注於品牌行銷的全球化資訊服務業公司,接著在董事長王振堂及總經理蘭奇的帶領下,推行簡單、專注、前瞻等策略性思維,並徹底執行『三一三多』的策略,使宏□成為在PC產業中少數持續獲利的廠商。致力於全球化及國際化的宏□,在專注自有品牌事業及利潤共享的通路策略下,在全球持續攻城略地,市佔率明顯攀升,2003年在歐洲更取得NB市佔率第一的成績,2007年第一季更一舉打敗聯想,PC排名成為全球第三,成果斐然令人驚豔。 宏□在整個發展歷程,可說是臺灣產業發展的縮影,轉型專注品牌經營後,經營成效更有如浴火鳳凰,其所採行的策略與方向,實值得我等深入研究與探討,本研究主要分析宏□在歐洲推行自有品牌的成功關鍵因素,範圍包含所採行的營運模式、通路策略、市場時機等,希望能提供產業在發展自有品牌的歷程中能有一些啟發及貢獻。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractTaiwan's notebook industry revenue accounts for more than 70% of the global NB industry's total output value. 95% of Taiwan's NB industry revenue comes from ODM business. Taiwan's ODM manufacturers, facing the intense marketing competition and the price war from both their counterparts and the leading branded players, are suffrering the decreasing gross margin and becoming less profitable. Therefore, focusing on brand name marketing might be one of the Blue Ocean strategies for Taiwan's IT industry. Acer Inc. has made strong commitment to build brand business since its founding in 1976. In the early years, Acer's brand business was financially supported by its ODM business. With the expansion of business, Acer met different kinds of difficulties and bottlenecks in different phases, and did reformations to respond to those problems, under the leadership of Stan Shih, the founder of the company. Drived by his insight into the industry trernd, Stan Shih initated a decisive corporate re-engineering at the end of the year 2000 by spinning off its ODM manufacturing. After this mega transformation, Acer became an IT company focusing only on the global marketing and service of its brand products. Later on, under the leaderships of Chairman JT wang and President Gianfranco Lanci, Acer followed the principles of "simple, focesed, and looking forward" and the policies of " one brand, one company, one global team and multi-products, ulti-vendors,multi-distributors", and thus made itself one of the few PC companies that could continuously profitable. Acer significantly increased its market share through the effort of globalization and the policies of focusing on brand business and the profit-sharing with distributors. In 2003, Acer achieved a remarkable success as its NB shipment ranked no. 1 in European market. The history of Acer could be regarded as the epitome of the Taiwan's whole IT industry. In particularly, Acer's operation performance has been considerably improved as an amazing revival. Acer's strategy and direction are worthwhile for us to study and discuss. The article is mainly to analyze the key factors of the success of Acer's brand business in Europe, including its business model, channel strategy and the market timing. I hope my research can have some inputs and make contribution to the development of brand business for the industry.en_US
dc.titleThe Branding strategy of Notebook Business - a case study on Acer distinctive Branding tactics in Europe Regionen_US