Title: 台北市市民接受使用創新行動電視服務意願之研究
A study of willingness for Taipei citizen to accept innovative mobile television services
Authors: 朱銘財
Keywords: 行動電視服務;創新採用;市場區隔;Mobile Television Services;Innovation Adoption;Market Segmentation
Issue Date: 2006
Abstract: 在數位匯流的趨勢下,行動電視近年來持續在世界各地引起關注。無線廣播電視業者及內容提供業者,視它為新的載具,能大規模地播送內容、創造新的營收來源;行動通訊服務業者視它為「殺手級」的應用服務,除了增加平均每戶貢獻度,還可減少客戶流失。行動電視也將是電信服務業新興營運概念–「電信三合一」服務(Triple Play)的最佳媒介。面對行動電視的新商機,媒體業者與電信業者應如何做好準備?目前全球約有20億手機用戶,這塊未開發的市場充滿潛力,廣播電視業者不但可以利用新的管道播放節目內容,手機所具備的互動及客製化功能,也可豐富服務項目,帶動媒體業者與電信業者營收成長。行動電視將於2007年5月正式在台灣試播,目前取得試播執照的團隊,包括中視、公視、民視、台視等4家。在看好行動電視服務商機下,4家電視業者分別與電信、科技業者組成團隊,積極搶攻市場。本研究擬以行動電視服務為主要研究範圍,探討台北市民對行動電視服務此一創新科技的採用極具市場區隔特性,將更能幫助企業把握商機,搶攻市場。 本研究藉由行動電視服務潛在消費者行為及市場的消費需求,透過創新採用理論,利用問卷調查方式蒐集資料,並採用因素分析、集群分析、卡方檢定、變異數分析等方法來分析所得之實證資料,作為行動電視服務接受程度之推論。根據研究結果發現,行動電視服務潛在消費者約有三成六願意採用行動電視服務,採用時間大部分集中在一年之後。在集群分析方面,潛在消費者可區分為「獨立主動型」、「品牌形象型」、「傳統節儉型」,各區隔市場在產品屬性以及創新採用決策行為變數上皆有顯著差異。本研究並針對各區別市場之消費者提出行銷建議。
In the convergence of digital broadcasting trends, mobile television is the most promising application in recent years in all parts of the world. Wireless and television broadcasters and content providers view it as a new carrier, can transmit in a large scale and create new revenue sources; Mobile operators regard it as a“killer”applications. In addition to increase the ARPU(Average Revenue Per User), but also to reduce the loss of current subscribers. Mobile television services will be the way to implement the new operational model concept - "Triple Play" in telecommunications industry. Facing mobile television new business, the media industry and the telecommunication industry how to get ready? At present, there are about two billion mobile phone users in all over the word, and they are all potential customers for mobile television services. Broadcasters can take advantage of the new channel to broadcast programs. Providing the customized and interactive functions in mobile television services, broadcasters and mobile operators can rich their services items and increase revenues. Mobile television will be broadcasted as a trial run from May 2007 in Taiwan. There are 4 teams have successfully applied broadcast license, they are CTV, PTS, FTV, and TTV. Being optimistic about business opportunities in mobile television services, the 4 teams composed of broadcasters, mobile operators, and IT companies, are trying their best now to increase their market share. The focus of the study hence is to find out to what extent the customer will accept/adopt the new technology - Mobile Television Services. Data was collected by using questionnaires based on the innovation adoption model, and analyzed by applying factor analysis, cluster analysis, chi square test, and Analysis-of-Variance (ANOVA). The result showed that there were three types of consumers in the Mobile Television Services - (1) self-centered consumers; (2) brand supporters; (3) economical consumers. There were significant differences in product attributes and innovation adoption behaviors. Suggestions for marketing in each area were also provided in this study.
Appears in Collections:Thesis