DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorWu-Kuei Isabel Chien_US
dc.contributor.authorRuey-Shun Chenen_US
dc.description.abstract當建立一新的應用系統專案時,我們通常會著重於如何建立應用系統解決客戶來自客戶端的特定問題,或是想辦法快速回應使用者的資訊需求。建立標準的應用系統建構模式,為了在有限的專案時間內能建立起高品質的應用系統,並且能快速反應來自客戶需求經常性的改變,是應用系統專案的不二法門。當應用系統建立的時候,我們總是需要位很有經驗的領域專家,或是位資深的系統分析師,才能完全掌握專案的發展,以及開發的狀況。如果這些專家的經驗可以以系統化的方式萃取出並儲存之,並供應用系統開發人員經常性的使用,這會使得相類似應用系統開發的時程被有效的運用。運用這些被儲存的應用系統開發知識,可幫助我們更深入且快速的瞭解客戶真正的需求,並幫助在短時間內建立系統雛型,供客戶參考。如果在應用系統開發過程中,無法以客戶的語言與之溝通,我們就無法建立起真正能幫助客戶解決問題的系統,也就是說,專案的之敗風險與機率便大為提高。 建立一個標準的應用系統專案知識萃取函式庫是本篇研究的目的。我們以本體論的方式進行應用系統建立核心知識的萃取,自成功的應用系統專案中,試圖找出應用系統專案的本質,將這些開發的成功經驗擷取並保留下來,以供相類似應用系統專案運用。本研究分為二個部分來表逹本體知識,一為應用系統專案管理知識,一為軟體開發知識。 我們分解應用系統專案知識為數個知識本體的單位,實體(Entity)與屬性(Attribut),以同一標準的公式自中擷取知識,並以樹狀方式來呈現。運用知識本體標準系統建構模式於應用系統專案中,與沒有引用該標準系統建構模式者相較,使我們發現,在開發成本與需求改變成本的部分,運用者是較低的,在對系統的客戶滿意度上,運用者是略高的,而在開發過程中知識的再度被使用上,運用者在專案過程中,被分解與分類的知識,經常性的被取出使用。在某領域應用系統被建立的第一次時,我們仍需要有經驗的專家來輔助專案的進行,其後,經專案過程中本體知識有效的萃取,我們可以標準的知識函式庫中,找到相關的經驗,運用並自中學習之。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractWhile starting a new software application project, we usually focus on how to build up a system to solve a specific domain problem and to reply information requirements from customers soon. Leaning from the building process to construct a model for high-quality application delivery and to quickly response to customer for requirements changes is critical successful factor for any application projects. To build up a new application, we construct system architecture and project plan by an experienced domain expert or old-timey system analyst. It is important to reuse and apply the same domain knowledge for information application development. The purpose is to shorten the period to realize what are user needs and prototype it as soon as possible. If we can’t communicate with customers in same domain laguage, it is impossible to establish an application to help user to accomplish their job, which means the project is probably unsuccessful. Setting up a common library to extract knowledge from application project building in a standard pattern is the purpose of this paper. We setup an ontology model trying to mine the core knowledge of application building. The precious experiences and developments from each project, especially sucessful project, should be kept and easy to reach. Two faces of ontology knowledge pattern will be defined in this paper, one is for application project management and another is for software engineering process. We decompose the knowledge from the sme domain application into several ontology units, entiies and attributes, in one standard formula with tree maps. Applying the ontology model defined in this paper for a new application project and we have a conclusion that development cost and requirement cost is lower and user satisfaction is higher than the application without ontology model and the reusefulness is regular in the project process. We just need the old-timey system analyst and the project manager at first time to build a new application, after that, access the library and find out these experiences and learning from it.en_US
dc.subjectKnowledge extractionen_US
dc.subjectSoftware project managemeten_US
dc.subjectSoftware enginerringen_US
dc.titleOntology-Based Knowledge Extraction from Application Project Buildingen_US