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dc.contributor.authorLing-Chi Chenen_US
dc.contributor.authorRuey-Shun Chenen_US
dc.description.abstract隨著科技進步,電子產品不斷推陳出新,造成嚴重的環境污染問題。因此各國政府積極推動環保政策,尤其歐盟帶動區域環保法規的制定,要求產品必須符合一定的環保標準並擔負廢棄產品的回收責任;因此發展出將環保規範列入產品開發源頭至生命週期結束的各項活動之管理重點;然而傳統的資訊系統及管理機制,已無法因應新的環保要求,需建立一套完整的解決方案,否則將喪失重要市場與面臨長期經營品牌價值的衝擊。 本研究分析網通產業因應環保,生產綠色產品,結合營運流程管理及資訊系統的改良設計,並實際建立一套Web base的綠色協同管理系統,將環保要求列入產品開發及綠色供應鏈活動的管理重點,協同研發、供應商、製造商、客戶及回收商間的運作,主要分成以下三個部份:(1)在綠色產品設計部份,加入綠色零件及產品管理,以達去毒及易拆解設計;(2)在綠色供應鏈管理部份,新增有害物質及產品回收拆解的管理流程;(3)在產品回收管理部份,則將產品回收資訊回饋到設計的改良,共同進行協同管理。 本研究結果為整合現有流程及資訊系統,提出因應RoHS及WEEE二大法規的管理模式並建置綠色協同資訊系統,確實達到預定目標,使客戶領先市場推出綠色產品,確保品牌市場領導地位及強化環保形象,並提昇作業效率。相較傳統的作法,建置此系統在收集零件環保符合性調查,檢核產品的環保符合性及製作產品拆解報告書上都節省相當多的時間及成本。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractWith the progress of the industrial technology and the manufacture of new electronic products, serious environmental problems ensue. Therefore, nations in the world and EC are actively enacting various environment protection policies, requesting that products conform to the stipulated environment protection standards and waste recycling have to be fulfilled, which result in various managerial mechanisms for incorporating the environment protection regulations into the product life cycle. However, traditional information system and managerial mechanism already cannot met the new environment protection regulations; therefore, a new and complete solution must be set up, else it may run the risk of losing the market and the value of product brand. The research itself focuses on the solutions provided by the network and communication industry, manufacture of the green products, and the establishment of a Web-based green collaboration management system, which incorporates the environment protection requests into the product development and green supply chain activities. There are three primary goals: (1) For the design of green products, green components and product management are set up for the purpose of de-toxin and ease of disassemble; (2) For the green supply chain, the management of hazardous substances, product recycle and disassemble are set up; (3) For the product recycling management, the recycling information is feedback for the product update and collaboration operation. The research itself can provide information for the integration of workflow and information system currently in use, provide RoHS and WEEE management solutions, and set up green collaboration information system, so that green products, brand leadership, and environment protection endeavor can be assured.en_US
dc.subjectGreen Collaboration Operationen_US
dc.subjectManagement System of Green Supply Chainen_US
dc.subjectDesign of Green Productsen_US
dc.subjectProduct Recycling Managementen_US
dc.titleThe application of green collaboration operation on network industryen_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis