標題: 從安全管理層面探討加油站災害防治對策
On Safety Management and Disaster Prevention of Gas Stations
作者: 蔡雅惠
Ya-Hui Tsai
Tai-Yan Kam
Chien-Jung Chen
關鍵字: 危害與可操作性分析;初步危害分析;Hazard and Operability;Preliminary Hazard Analysis
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 本文目的在於探討加油站之安全管理成效及災害防治對策。研究過程分三部份。第一部份之風險評估包含初步危害分析(PHA)及危害與可操作性分析(HazOP),過程中採用腦力激盪法與加油站工作人員討論方式進行分析。在初步危害分析中,利用火災爆炸指數(F&EI值)的評估來分別對加油站儲油槽區及加油機區進行分析,以了解儲油槽區及加油機區之火災爆炸危害程度。另藉由危害與可操作性分析探討加油站災害發生之可能原因、可能危害/後果及防護措施,並且利用風險矩陣分別得到儲油槽區及加油機區之風險等級,藉此評估加油站災害可能產生之後果及其嚴重性。第二部份為依據第一部份HazOP風險分析結果之災害發生原因,提出安全管理方式、緊急應變措施及改善對策。最後的部份是針對提出安全管理改善對策後之加油站再作一次HazOP分析,並比較加油站在提出安全管理改善前後之結果。根據研究結果顯示,針對加油站之災害發生原因所提出安全管理改善對策後,其風險等級較低。因此,結果驗證了所建議之安全管理改善對策有助於改善加油站之風險等級。
The purpose of this paper is to study the safety management and disaster prevention of gas stations. Three parts are involved in the study. The first part is the performance of risk assessment of gas stations via brain storming and discussion among the workers at the gas stations. The methods of Preliminary Hazard Analysis (PHA) and Hazard and Operability (HazOP) are used to complete the assessment work. Fire & Explosion Index (F&EI) is used in the PHA to study the relative hazard levels of the oil storage and refueling areas in the gas stations. The method of Hazard and Operability (HazOP) is used to determine the potential causes, probability of hazard occurrence, and appropriate facilities for disaster prevention. The risk levels of the oil storage and refueling areas are constructed using the risk matrix. The consequence of a disaster and its severity are also studied using the information obtained in HazOP assessment. In the second part, strategies for safety management of gas stations and procedures for emergency operation are proposed based on the results obtained in the first part. Finally, we perform the HazOP analysis again for the gas stations with corrections and improvement. The results show that the risk levels of the gas stations become lower and this outcome validates the suitability of the proposed strategies.


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