標題: 多重螢幕的文字分割顯示透過無線傳輸在手機裝置上的方法與實作
Method and implementation of displaying text on multiple display devices on mobile phone
作者: 黃福源
Fu-Yuang Huang
Hsi-Lu Chao
關鍵字: 多重螢幕;文字分割顯示;無線傳輸;手機裝置;displaying text;multiple display devices;mobile phone
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 現今手機裝置已經是日常生活中人人會接觸使用的通訊裝置,而透過更大頻寬或是更多樣化的網路服務,人們可以使用手機設備來存取越來越多豐富的網頁圖片甚至傳統的連線服務,諸如Email, BBS等等。而當今的手機顯示螢幕不管是黑白,灰階或是彩色螢幕手機,顯示螢幕的大小也許是70*92,120*144,甚至240*320或是高階684*480的機種,其螢幕顯示的大小對於文字輸出顯示的能力依然是有限制,對於瀏覽傳統大量文字服務,或是有特別需求的文字/圖片,如果把具有特定行數列數或是寬高比的文字區塊/圖片進行重新換行縮放的顯示動作,對於使用者的閱讀經驗將會造成許多困惑與不便,實際的狀況就如使用Console去連結BBS或是Email Server,其輸出的畫面必定為傳統的Console視窗,具有寬80個ascii字元寬度,高度25行的限制。 本篇論文是提出一個針對原始文字內容,經過讀取檔案,分析文字內容重新計算在多重手機陣列上的分割輸出,利用現今大部分手機已經具有的無線傳輸能力,把重新分配過但追求接近原始文字內容格式的資料分派輸出到多重手機的螢幕上作顯示,實做一個主控端手機控制所屬的附屬手機來共同即時顯示瀏覽單一文件的方法驗證。 本篇論文透過實作來驗證單一內容分割在多重手機陣列上顯示的可行性,期望推廣此分割顯示機制在未來更多多媒體手機上的操作與應用。
In recent years, mobile phone have become a common communication device in our life, with more large bandwidth and more interesting network service, people can use their handset to access these service easily, such as HTTP, Email, Ftp event On-line game. Even from the low-end handset to high-end handset , these mobile phones’ screen, display area from 70*92,120*144, 240*240 or 640*480, their display area are limited to various font size and network application. When use such device to view a content with mounts of word/picture with fixed lines/width, if handset force to re-arrange the layout of the text/picture, it will result to user have many reading confusion with the original content. A real case, when we open a console to connect to Email or BBS, the console screen is fixed at width of 80 ASCII chars in one line, and total 25 lines. In this thesis, we propose a novel method of displaying text on multiple devices with socket, and implement the real work to prove the method can load a single content, display on different handsets, use the master device to browse and scroll up/down, view the full content on different handsets and display well simultaneously. In this thesis, we prove the proposed algorithm by implementation. The results show that the proposed method provides a new mechanism to display text on multiple handsets, and the future applications on mobile phone


  1. 758301.pdf

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